Wholesale blue salt in possibility of delivery in Canada, Persian blue salt price, Semnan blue salt, Blue Salt for cooking, Wholesale salt suppliers, Iran local supplier.

Sale of blue salt with the possibility of delivery in Canada, original blue salt, sale of blue salt in Tehran, contact us for the wholesale price of blue and pink salt, Garmsar and Semnan salt, packaging and export seals.

One of the rarest salts in the world is the blue salt that exists in Iran. Iranian blue salt is found only in some mines in Iran, especially in the city of Garmsar. Today, the sale of blue salt has spread throughout Iran. The innumerable benefits of this product and people’s awareness of this issue have led to an increase in the sale of blue salt.

Benefits of blue salt

The unique flavor of this salt is due to the presence of minerals in it. The pleasant taste and aroma of this type of salt is different from other salts. Potassium in salt is nearly 13%.

The presence of potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and other minerals in this salt is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Blue salt can be used in food. This example of salt is a good solvent. For this reason, it is recommended to add it to the food when serving to preserve its properties. In addition to preserving the properties of salt in this state, the decoration of your food plate will also be wonderful because of the beautiful color of blue salt. You can feel the unique taste of blue salt while eating. Be sure to use this salt to ensure your health.

Wholesale blue salt

The cause of the salt becoming blue

The light refraction of salt crystals due to high pressure has created beautiful blue salt crystals. Millions of years ago, this refraction of light was caused by high pressure on the salt. The reason for the beautiful color of this salt is due to the presence of potassium chloride in it.

As we said in the previous topic, the unique properties of this salt, its eye-catching taste and color, have distinguished this product. For this reason, the sale of blue salt has occupied a high rank.

Wholesale blue salt

Wholesale blue salt

Blue salt is sold at an affordable price and high quality in this collection. Blue salt is sold at a higher price than other salts. The reason for this, as we said, is because of its unique color, flavor and properties.

Wholesale blue salt

The mineral compounds in this salt extracted from the mountains of Iran are countless. One of the important issues in the field of selling blue salt is that this product is mostly sold to other countries with Polish or Turkish packaging.

Source: Halito rock salt

Semnan mineral salt Wholesaler and supplier, Where to Buy Persian blue salt, Persian Blue Salt local supplier, white rock salt, blue rock salt, pink rock salt.

Wholesale sale of Semnan Garmsar mineral salt, blue salt, pink salt, white salt, Garmsar decorative salt, hard salt, orange salt, red salt, delivery to the border with special jumbo bag packaging for export.

Where is rock salt formed?

The sale of rock salt is high because of its properties. Due to the reaction of two positive elements of sodium ion and negative charge of chlorine ion, salt molecules are formed. The most important place for the formation of rock salt is the bed of oceans and seas. With the evaporation of sea water, their salt gradually increases and some salt is deposited in their bed. After thousands of years, these sediments lead to the formation of rock salt layers. Salt rock mines are formed from the drying up of the seas over thousands of years due to changes in the earth. Even in the depths of the seas that have not yet dried up, there is rock salt. In the depth of the sea, due to the high pressure of the water, the water molecules are not able to hold a large amount of salt, which causes the salt to be deposited in the deep seas. By accumulating these deposits along with other salts, rock salt is formed at the bottom of the oceans and seas. .

semnan salt wholesaler

What is the use of rock salt?

Rock salt has many uses. From the sale of rock salt for work

  • decorative
  • Industrial works
  • Salt brick
  • Salt room
  • And… 

is used Of course, rock salt is mostly used to prepare food. One of the reasons for selling rock salt is that out of 92 rare elements needed by the body, 84 of them are present in rock salt. Among its uses in the field of health is that it helps to strengthen the body’s metabolism and is suitable for improving the mood.

It controls stress and improves appetite. Another use of rock salt is keeping it at home because it produces positive energy. Even this stone has a decorative use and its healing properties can be used in the form of decorative items. In industries, it is used in the form of pet and manual rock salt. Powdered salt in factories and industries like

  • paper making
  • Aviculture
  • It is used in chlorination industries.

semnan salt wholesaler

Semnan salt wholesaler

Selling rock salt in Iran by several mines to supply domestic industries, which in addition to domestic supply, also export to other industrialized countries. Generally, to sell rock salt, buyers buy it in bulk according to their activities and use it for their work. This stone has various qualities that are used according to people’s taste. The clearer the rock salt is, the more authentic it is.

semnan salt wholesaler

Halito salt stone collection is the largest salt stone supplier in Iran, having salt stone crushing, salt stone cutting, salt stone production and packing units.

Source: Halito rock salt

Iran Semnan white and blue salt market, Blue rock salt, semnan blue salt, white rock salt grade A purity 99%, packing in 20 kg bag, Iran rock salt local supplier.

Garmsar white and blue salt rock market, buy edible rock salt, wholesale sales of crystalline blue rock salt, red rock salt, high quality white rock salt for food, resin regeneration, water hardness, livestock rock salt, export white rock salt, send In bulk and packaging.

What is the use of rock salt?

Rock salt with the chemical formula of sodium chloride, according to the type of solutes in it, has many properties and uses. There are many types of rock salt in nature. In general, rock salt can be divided into three categories

  • Edible rock salt
  • Industrial rock salt
  • Decorative rock salt

Divided. In order to use rock salt for food, iodine is added to it after the granulation and purification process. Rock salt is widely used in industry. For example, industrial rock salt is used in the production of detergents, leather making, disinfection, drilling and other cases. This salt is used as a decorative device in the home due to its extraordinary properties in reducing stress, removing sore eyes and reducing negative energies in the space. For example, lampshades made of rock salt are used as home decor.

Iran salt market

 Types of edible rock salt

Edible rock salt has long been noted for its many benefits in improving the digestive system, disinfection, reducing sore throat, soothing muscles and reducing the risk of diabetes.

Blue salt stone: which is unique to Semnan province, is very popular. Blue rock salt is an excellent salt for oral use by helping to improve the digestive system and regulate blood pressure.

White rock salt: Another type of edible rock salt, the high purity of the sodium chloride composition is the reason for the white color of this rock. White rock salt helps the thyroid function properly.


 You should
note that white rock salt has different types

Pink rock salt: Due to its different and rare taste, it has many customers. The properties of pink salt are many. Among its edible properties, we can mention weight loss, removing facial acne and preventing heart diseases. If the rock salt has a very high purity, it will be seen as transparent crystals.

Crystalline rock salt: It has a high price due to its high degree of purity. In addition to oral consumption, this salt also has medicinal uses.

Iran salt market

Iran salt market for export

Iran has one of the largest salt reserves in the Middle East. Garmsar salt mines in Semnan province are one of the most important salt mines in Iran, which have different types of salt. Halito Salt Group is the largest manufacturer and distributor of salt in Iran. In addition to the wholesale sale of Iran rock salt in Iran, this group exports this product to neighboring countries.

Iran salt market

Contact us to order bulk purchase of all kinds of rock salt.

Source: Halito rock salt

Garmsar blue rock salt wholesale center, Blue salt crystals, Persian blue salt price, Natural Blue Salt, blue salt local supplier, supply Iran blue salt to Europe.

Garmsar blue salt wholesale center, original blue salt, the possibility of offering the product in special packages for export, blue and pink salt production and packaging factory, contact Garmsar blue salt mine for direct purchase.

Where is the blue salt mine?

Garmsar blue salt rock has a special quality and has a crystalline structure. There are salt stones in different cities of Iran. Garmsar blue salt is exported abroad because of its high quality. The origin of this rock salt is in Iran, but there are not many mines of it in Iran. The best blue salt stone is in Garmsar and Semnan. The city of Garmsar is one of the attractive cities that has many salt mines.

What makes this city attractive is the presence of salt. Semnan province has more than 25 active mines in the field of mineral salt extraction, which supplies 50% of the country’s table salt. In addition to edible and industrial salt in this province, it is also the origin of crystalline blue salt. Garmsar blue salt rock is a rare and rare salt, which is very time-consuming and difficult to dig. Its attractive blue color is due to the fact that the mineral potassium chloride is naturally present in its crystal structure.

blue rock salt

Properties of Blue salt

With the progress of science and technology and the discovery of the valuable properties of Garmsar blue salt rock, the people of the world have realized its unique properties. Due to the high potassium content of this salt, its aroma and taste are special. Potassium is essential and useful for the heart. The healing properties of Garmsar and Semnan blue salt rock are very many, including the properties of this salt:

  • Regulation of blood pressure: Garmsar blue rock salt helps to reduce blood pressure due to its high potassium content.
  • Anti-stress: In times of stress and tension, this salt increases the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes a feeling of happiness.
  • Aids in food digestion: by eating this salt, the salivary glands are stimulated and with more secretion, it causes food digestion.
  • Increasing body immunity: Blue salt is necessary for the body’s vital activities and prevents many diseases.

Garmsar blue rocksalt helps to treat depression, control blood pressure, regulate heart rate and nervous problems.

blue rock salt

Buy Garmsar blue rock salt

The biggest demand for buying Garmsar rock salt is from European countries because they have realized its healing properties and this salt cannot be found in other countries. To buy Garmsar blue salt stone, you can order it in whole and in detail, online and in person, and by registering a call, and receive the high-quality product.

blue rock salt

Halito rock salt collection is the largest supplier of salt rock in Iran, which responds to its customers by having salt crushing units and salt rock cutting workshops.

Source: Halito rock salt

Blue rock salt excellent grade for export to Europe, Persian blue salt, Blue salt crystals, Natural blue Salt, Persian blue salt price, Iran blue salt wholesale.

Excellent blue salt crystal for export to Europe, the rarest type of blue salt stone to be sent to Europe with special packaging, providing all the necessary permits with the possibility of delivering the order at the destination, contact us to place an order to buy blue salt stone.

Have you ever seen a blue salt crystal up close? Do you know what is blue salt and what are its properties and uses? What could be the reason for the blue crystals of white and crystalline salt? Join us to answer these interesting questions together.

Garmsar blue salt mine

One of the rarest blue salt crystals belongs to the beautiful city of Garmsar. The popularity of these beautiful blue crystals is such that they are exported to many European and Asian countries. But the amount of this salt is less than other types of mineral salts. In fact, only 10% of a kilo of rock salt is blue and the rest is white. That’s why you have to stay on the waiting list to buy high tonnage of blue salt crystal.

There are many salt mines and salt tunnels in Garmsar city from which blue salt crystals can be extracted. These colorful and salty seeds have many benefits as follows.

  • Blood pressure regulation
  • Treatment of respiratory problems
  • Bone and teeth health
  • Improve the digestive system
  • Increase body immunity
  • Treatment of stress and insomnia
  • It has high disinfection properties
  • And ….

Blue rock salt

The cause of the salt becoming blue

The reason why the salt crystal turns blue is certainly due to its structure. Changing and increasing the ingredients of salt can also affect its color. The blue salt crystals have become this color due to the presence of high amounts of potassium. For this reason, in a rock salt, blue crystals may form a vein or only a part of it. In addition to potassium, blue salt also has high levels of magnesium and calcium. But the amount of potassium in these compounds helps to make it more blue. Even some samples of rock salt are close to purple color due to its potassium content.

Blue rock salt

Blue rock salt market

Due to the many properties that blue salt crystal has, it is in high demand for purchase. This demand, as mentioned, is due to its rarity, both inside the country and abroad. Countries such as UAE, Spain, Germany, Canada, England, America, Italy, Netherlands, etc. have the highest demand for buying blue salt crystals every year. Of course, it is worth mentioning that the higher the amount of blue salt pigments, the higher the sales market. On the other hand, since its extraction is scarce and difficult, it also has a high supply price.

Blue rock salt

Halito rock salt collection has the possibility of delivering orders to its major customers all over the world.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Iran’s blue salt powder export market, Blue salt powder uses, Blue salt powder benefits, Persian blue salt local supplier, Where to buy blue salt powder, Blue Salt mine Price.

Iran’s blue salt powder export market, the price of salt powder in the European market is very high because blue salt is not only found in Iran, its quantity is also very limited, especially its crystal type is very rare, Halito salt rock collection is the largest supplier of salt rock Blue is in Iran.

Familiarity with types of blue salt

Blue salt is a type of mineral salt that has unique properties and can only be found in Iran. Semnan blue salt rock should not be confused with Garmsar blue salt rock. If you plan to prepare blue salt crystals, note that blue salt powder is not completely blue. First-class blue salt powder is a combination of white crystal with blue streaks and pieces. If you intend to buy original blue salt powder, note that there should be less blue grains in it.

blue salt powder

Properties of blue salt powder

Blue salt is edible and is also used in the medical industry. Blue salt powder is rich in potassium, iron, calcium and other minerals. Blue salt is formed by the evaporation of seas and lakes. Blue salt mines are found in Semnan province. Blue salt powder is used in cooking and at the table.

Blue salt powder is used in the food and medical industries, and many doctors use this salt as medicine for various diseases. Among the properties of blue salt, we can mention regulating blood pressure, maintaining body balance, anti-stress, regulating sleep, better digestion of food, increasing the body’s immune system, preventing muscle cramps, oral and dental health.

Blue rock salt is also used in cosmetics and health industries. Blue rock salt is used in many exfoliating masks. This salt gives a unique and wonderful flavor to your food. Even with just one test, you can experience the feeling of relaxation and reduction of tension and anxiety.

blue salt powder

Blue rock salt export market

Blue salt powder is one of the precious salts that can only be found in Iran. There are plenty of blue salt mines in Semnan province. It can be said that one of the tourist attractions of Semnan province is its salt mines.

Read more about Persian blue salt

blue salt powder

Blue salt rock of Semnan has many minerals. Due to the presence of this precious and useful mineral, Semnan has been able to acquire a lot of fame and prestige in the world. Semnan is known as the export market of blue salt rock and this product is exported to other countries around the world.

Source: Halito rock salt group

Wholesale and retail of crystal blue rock salt, Iran blue rock salt where to buy at germany, Iran blue rock salt price at mine, Iran blue rock salt has many benefits, Iran blue rock salt for sale.

Wholesale and small purchase of crystal blue salt rock, crystal blue salt rock is available in very colorful, medium and normal samples, wholesale and retail sale of blue salt rock is possible in small quantities.

Blue rock salt is another name for table salt and in the world this salt is known as Persian blue salt. Blue salt contains many minerals and has blue streaks due to weather conditions. The following are some examples of minerals that are present in this rock salt:

  • potassium
  • The silhouette
  • are
  • Calcium

The blue rock salt has turned blue completely naturally, no chemical process has been used to change the color of the rock salt. However, profiteers dye the salt crystals using chemical dyes and sell them as blue salt. But there are ways to distinguish original blue salt from fake:

  • Blue salt rock crystals should have blue streaks inside.
  • If you buy crushed salt, the salt grains are no longer blue.
  • Blue salt is never completely blue, the grains of this salt only have blue streaks inside.

blue rock salt

How to use blue salt

Blue rock salt is mostly used to flavor foods. Usually, this type of salt is provided to people in refined or powdered form and is used in various foods as ordinary salt. Blue salt crystals have a special aroma and taste, so they can be the best choice for cooking and making food more delicious.

The properties of blue salt are not limited to flavoring food, the potassium in the crystals of this salt guarantee heart health. Also, in the cases we mention, they can help you have a fresh body and restore your health:

  • Regulation of body metabolism
  • Has antibiotic properties
  • Calms and reduces stress and anxiety
  • Increase the immune system
  • Improve the breathing process
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Improve blood pressure

blue rock salt

Where is the blue salt mine?

You can extract blue salt rock in the two cities of Garmsar and Semnan and exploit it. Any rock salt that is exported as blue salt from Iran is extracted from the city of Semnan or Garmsar. The rock salt extracted from Semnan city is not crystalline and is prepared as sugar, so this type of salt is not used for food purposes.

Garmsar blue salt rock, unlike Semnan blue salt, has a crystalline state and contains a lot of potassium. The use of Garmsar blue salt provides a great sense of health and vitality, and also gives a unique taste to food when it is used in cooking.

blue rock salt

Iran blue rock salt export market

The price of blue salt is somewhat high considering the salt export market in Iran. Blue salt rock has a high price due to the low rate of salt extraction, and we are facing a lot of demand for the export of this type of salt. Most buyers of blue salt are from Western Europe, and North American countries are also particularly interested in this type of rock salt.

blue rock salt

Contact our experts to buy blue rock salt for domestic and foreign markets.

Source: Halito rock salt

Top local supplier of crystal Iran blue rock salt, Iran blue rock salt where to buy, Iran blue rock salt mine price, Iran blue rock salt for sale, Where to buy Persian Blue Salt.

The best exporter of blue crystal salt rock, the possibility of delivering blue rock salt in the destination country, monthly supply of blue crystal salt rock up to 400 kg, monthly supply of 10 tons of blue crystal salt rock.

Acquaintance with blue rock salt

Blue salt rock is extracted only from Garmsar mines and is world famous. Its color is blue because there is a lot of potassium in it. Due to the presence of useful elements in this rock salt, it has become edible. The rarity of this rock salt has made its price higher than other salts. The original blue rock salt is transparent and there are blue streaks in it and it is not completely blue.

This useful mineral contains elements such as potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium. This salt regulates blood pressure and increases immunity. It is anti-stress and regulates sleep. It regulates the balance of the body and helps digestion. Blue salt is a natural salt that has therapeutic and medicinal properties. The natural and mineral materials that are present in this rock salt have been accumulated in this rock over millions of years.

Iran blue rock salt

How to use blue salt

Blue salt is one of the most famous salts in the world. This rare salt is the purest and cleanest salt in the whole world. Because this salt is obtained from the oceans that dried up about 200 years ago, it is not polluted. Using it for meat, fish and drinks makes them taste great. Many people want to use this salt and the reason is the unique properties of blue salt rock. Since salt is one of the seasonings of food, it has a great value for people, by grinding blue salt rock, it can be used in food.

Its aromatic crystals give a very good taste to food. Blue salt is the best option for cooking seafood because it gives them a very delicious taste. Blue salt should be added to the food at the end of cooking, and to use it in food, it is better if the salt is granular and coarse.

Iran blue rock salt

Export of Iran blue rock salt

Because blue rock salt is rarely mined and there are many countries that buy this product, it always has a high price, which is usually exported to Germany, Italy, Spain, Russia and North America.

The export of blue salt rock has many complications and since its extraction is always in short supply, foreign buyers usually order and buy long ago.

Iran blue rock salt

Due to the rarity of this salt, it should be purchased from reputable collections. Although the consumption of this salt is not booming in Iran, it is exported to other countries.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Iranian blue salt in the European market, Iranian blue salt where to buy, Iranian blue salt price, Iranian blue salt for sale, Iranian blue salt benefits, Where to buy Persian Blue Salt.

Iran’s blue salt in the European market, sugary blue salt, crystal blue rock salt, buying blue salt with the possibility of delivery in Europe, sending blue salt to Canada, packing on pallets, shipping by air and sea.

Blue salt is the most expensive salt in the world. This salt exists only in Iran. The only mine of this special salt is in Garmsar city of Semnan province. The appearance and properties of this salt have made it famous worldwide. For this reason, in many countries of the world, this product is known as Iranian blue salt. Fortunately, this salt has been named among Iran’s export products. We will continue to examine this product.

Properties of blue rock salt

Blue salt is the most expensive salt in the world and the reason for this is its uniqueness. Due to the presence of large amounts of potassium in this salt, its color is blue. Potassium also improves the quality of blood circulation and muscle function. As a result, it is useful for reducing stress and relaxing the nerves.

Calcium is another component of Iran’s blue salt. This important substance has a great effect on the basic growth of bones and their strength. Significant amounts of magnesium can also be observed in blue salt, the most expensive salt in the world. This substance is useful for healthy teeth and strengthening muscles. By expressing the properties of blue crystal salt, it is clear that this substance is very useful for the health of the body, especially the health of athletes.

Iranian blue salt

Getting to know the uses of blue salt

Blue salt, the most expensive salt in the world, is an almost high-priced food. The main use of this valuable salt is for food and edible items. In fact, like saffron, this salt is added as a seasoning to foods. Apart from the edible aspect, this salt is used for collection and sometimes making decorative objects. One of the important uses of this salt is in making complementary and anti-depressant drugs. With these applications, blue salt has become an important export commodity.

Iranian blue salt

Iranian blue salt export

Blue salt, the most expensive salt in the world, is offered professionally in this specialized collection. Germany, America, Holland, Italy, Canada, England and Spain are the most important customers of this valuable Iranian product. Because in these countries, the properties of this Iranian salt are known to them, and it is used for edible and non-edible purposes.

Iranian blue salt

At Halito Group, we are active in the field of domestic and international supply of Iranian blue salt. You can contact our colleagues in this collection to buy, sell and export Iranian blue salt.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Purchase Persian blue salt specially for the German and Canadian market, blue rock salt local supplier, Persian blue salt price, Where to buy Persian Blue Salt, Persian Blue salt benefits, Persian blue salt for sale.

Buying blue salt for the German and Canadian market, the price of blue and pink salt for delivery at the destination, the original blue salt, the possibility of monthly delivery of 10 tons in 25 kg packaging, sale of blue salt in Tehran and other cities, where to buy exported blue salt? Contact us to answer this question.

First, it is necessary to explain what is blue crystal salt? Blue salt is known all over the world as Persian Blue Salt. This salt is known as blue salt for this reason, because it is composed of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, and sylivite.

What is blue crystal salt?

The special blue color of this salt is formed due to being under pressure and exposed to moisture and special environmental factors. Blue salt has features that we mention a few of them. The first thing that can be mentioned about salt is that it is the best food flavoring.

Also, this salt has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. If you prepare a solution of this salt with water, it can be used to disinfect and kill germs.

Persian blue salt

Why does salt turn blue?

A point to pay attention to when buying blue salt. This is the fact that the crystalline grains of blue salt have become this color naturally and according to the environmental conditions. Therefore, people should be careful not to color and fake salt crystal grains.

Persian blue salt

Buy Persian blue salt

When buying original blue salt, you should pay attention to the fact that these salts usually have a blue color in their crystal molecules. If these salts are original, if we crush them, after crushing, its color will change to white and blue dots will be seen in a limited way.

Also, one of the other methods when buying blue salt and recognizing the authenticity of this salt is to dissolve it in water. If after dissolving the salt in water, the blue color is removed from the crystal grains of the salt. This salt is fake.

The best salt to use in food is blue salt. Due to the presence of many minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, it is better to use this salt when cooking.

Read more About

Among the effects of buying blue salt and using it in cooking, it can be mentioned that it helps oral and dental hygiene, eliminates respiratory problems, helps to increase the body’s immune system due to its antiseptic properties. Also, due to the presence of high potassium in this mineral salt, it prevents muscle cramps.

Persian blue salt

The extraction and purchase of Garmsar blue salt from the mines of that region, as well as its export to other countries, is only one of the rare and rare capitals of the mines of this country that are exported outside of Iran.

Source: Halito rock salt company