Iran food grade red rock salt for export with jumbo bag, in two light and dark models with 98.3% purity, possibility of monthly supply up to 2500 tons without restrictions, FOB delivery.

Properties of red rock salt

Red salt rock has remarkable properties due to the presence of essential minerals for the body. This type of salt is high in sodium and in addition to sodium, it is also high in iron.

Strengthening hair, strengthening bones, helping to increase the body’s absorption of nutrients by the gastrointestinal tract, regulating the open acidity of the gastrointestinal tract and lowering blood pressure are among the properties of red rock salt.

This rock salt is produced in different dimensions and for different uses; Each of them has special properties for the body. For example, mixing red rock salt with hot oils can be a great home mask for rejuvenation and removing blemishes on the skin.

Using this rock salt as a decoration can have healing properties for body and soul.

red rock salt

Cause of red rock salt color change

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about salt rock. While rock salts are found in different colors in nature, the reason for the existence of different colors in rock salt is the presence of minerals that play the role of colorants in rock salt; For example, the presence of iron along with sodium and chlorine causes red color, the presence of manganese causes orange streaks, the presence of potassium causes purple and blue color in rock salt.

On the other hand, some environmental factors cause changes in the salt rock crystallography network and as a result change its color, for example, one of the applications of rock salt is air purification; Due to the absorption of environmental pollution, this stone becomes dull.

red rock salt

Where to buy rock salt?

You can order red salt rock or any other type of rock salt online through Halito salt rock collection and keep in mind that the minimum order is to send 10 tons.

For ordering export rock salt in jumbo bags, if it is a domestic purchase, the minimum order should be 25 tons, and for delivery at the destination or on the deck of the ship, the minimum order should be 100 tons and above.



red rock salt

Export of red rock salt

If you Google the word red salt rock; Articles will be displayed in the first rank of Google in which the word Himalayan salt rock is also used; This is because most of the world’s red rock salt is found in the Himalayas in Pakistan; But it is better to know that red salt rock in addition to Pakistan in Iran in Garmsar city has valuable mines with high purity.

red rock salt

In the past decades, when Iran was not as active in the production and export of salt rock as it is today; Pakistan was the only supplier of red rock salt, while today Iran has become one of the largest suppliers of this rock salt in the world, and European and Asian countries such as Turkey and the UAE are among the buyers of Iranian orange and red rock salt; However, Iran has not yet used all its capabilities to export rock salt; If Iran uses all its capabilities to export salt rock, it can be more active in this field than today.

Source: Halito rock salt group

Supply and export food grade rock salt to india, pink rock salt purity 97 %, red rock salt 98.3 %, white rock salt 99.5%.

Propertis of Iran’s salt mines

Semnan province has hidden many mines in its heart, and Semnan rock salt mine is one of the most important mines in this province.

Semnan salt rock has attracted the attention of investors and salt factory owners due to its high purity, because the higher the percentage of salt purity, the higher the use of salt in industry and trade.

Salt rock mines are scattered in Semnan province and have become an important center for domestic and foreign investors and tourists.

Garmsar and Ivanki salt rock mines are among the most important salt mines in the province, which are used for exploitation and tourism.

The creation of amazing visual landscapes, the diversity of salt rock colors, the attractive designs in the salt marshes and sandals of this province have made these mines more and more important.

According to the analyzes, elements such as potassium, bromine, manganese and iron hydroxide have been found in the rock salts of these mines, which is why there is a great variety of colors in the salt nature of this province and has attracted tourists from all over the world.

food grade rock salt

Introduction of Garmsar rock salt

Garmsar is one of the cities of Semnan province that has the best and largest salt mines of this province in its heart.

In Garmsar city, there are more than 30 salt mines, which in addition to being used as a source of industrial, edible and decorative salt, these mines; They are also considered for tourism purposes.

In the heart of these mines, lakes have been formed due to rain, which has made these mines more beautiful and has attracted many tourists.

Despite the many surprises of rock salt mines in Semnan province and Garmsar city, this area has not been considered as it should be in terms of tourism.



food grade rock salt

Properties of Garmsar salt

Garmsar salt has many properties due to its high purity and high sodium content, so that salt mines there have the ability to be used as salt therapy mines or salt therapy caves.

People with lung disease such as cystic fibrosis or bronchitis may find that inhaling saturated ions from rock salt ions can have a therapeutic effect, and that salt can also be used to improve skin and bone disease.

food grade rock salt

Buy food grade rock salt from Iran

Despite the Internet, buying all products has become much easier nowadays, and rock salt is not separate from this category, and you can easily order rock salt from Garmsar and Semnan rock salt mines.



food grade rock salt

The minimum order for export depends on 100 tons, which is equal to 4 containers.

Source: Halito rock salt company