
The largest center of purchase and export of blue salt in Iran, Blue salt Iran, Natural blue salt, Blue salt for cooking, supplier of blue salt monthly 40 tons.

The largest center for the sale and export of Semnan blue salt, sugar blue sugar, monthly supply of 5 tons, Semnan granulated pink salt, Garmsar crystal blue rock salt.

Semnan blue salt, due to its amazing quality and special properties, is welcomed by a large range of customers today and many applicants want to buy it. If you are one of these customers and you need Semnan blue salt in high quality and reasonable price, you can contact us without wasting time.

Where is the blue salt mine?

You may think that blue salt can be extracted in certain places, and this is not a misconception, but in fact, different parts of the country use water salt resources. But some areas have a larger share of blue salt mines in the distant past due to various issues, including the presence of certain elements and special climatic conditions. Semnan blue salt mine is also one of the centers and situations that has a high volume of this salt with suitable purity.

Of course, it should be emphasized that the Semnan blue salt mine has not only provided this type of product to producers, but also its products have special properties and characteristics that have distinguished the products of this very valuable resource. For example, the appearance of Semnan blue salt is not crystalline and has the appearance of sugar.

blue salt

Properties of blue salt

To understand the properties of Semnan blue salt or any other type of blue salt, one must ask why this type of salt has turned blue? In principle, this color created in the blue salt of Semnan, which makes it different from other types of salts, is due to the presence of potassium in its structure.

In this type of salt, due to various geological reasons, potassium elements have entered the sources and this potassium impurity has caused this color. Of course, the use of the word impurity is just a term and the presence of potassium in Semnan blue salt has become a strength and advantage for it. So that it is useful in various fields and applications such as regulating blood pressure, preventing neuromuscular disorders, maintaining the health of the respiratory system, facilitating digestion or balancing minerals in the body, and has various benefits.

blue salt

Export of Semnan blue salt

Not only for the purchase of Iranian customers and domestic consumption, but also for the export of Semnan blue salt, this collection has considered the necessary arrangements. While cooperating with foreign customers and meeting their needs, we are ready to be with you in business matters related to the export of Semnan blue salt, with the desired volume and the highest possible quality.

blue salt

You can contact us directly for more information.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Semnan blue salt capacity of export 5 tons per month, Persian blue salt , Where to buy Persian blue salt, Call for wholesale price inquiry.

Export of 5 tons of Semnan blue salt per month, blue salt of sugar bean, packaging of 25 kg double-walled bag, possibility of delivery in the destination country by sea and land with the lowest shipping rate.

What are the properties of blue salt?

Semnan blue salt is one of the great assets of our country. We have seen in stories and movies that all treasures are golden and kept in special boxes, but let us show you the truth.

The treasure can be blue and can be found in the heart of mines and mountains. Blue salt is one of nature’s best treasures for human health. Blue salt is the same as table salt, which is amazingly beautiful and blue.

This salt that is extracted in Semnan mines has turned blue due to the presence of various minerals and salts. But that’s not the whole story. Semnan blue salt is one of the healthiest and most special salts in the world. The properties of this salt are so many that different countries want to buy it.

Researchers in various laboratories have recently discovered some of the properties of this salt that we will mention to you.

  • It is antibacterial
  • It is a rich source of potassium
  • Internal infections
  • It regulates blood pressure
  • Anti-stress
  • Anti nausea
  • against inflammation
  • Strengthen sleep
  • Strengthen the digestive system and digestion
  • Helps the respiratory system
  • Prevent muscle spasms
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Contribute to oral health

blue salt

Where is the Blue Salt Mine?

Once we understand what extraordinary properties of blue salt have for the health of the body, we need to know the source of its production. Definitely looking for the original manufacturer when it comes to buying a device.

The main source of blue salt rock extraction is in Semnan and Garmsar salt mines. These rich mines are the largest source of blue salt rock extraction in the world. Buying Semnan blue salt from the main manufacturer can have a great impact on reducing costs and also provide you with the best quality.

blue salt

Semnan blue salt export

Semnan blue salt is a unique treasure that God has included in the Iranians. The properties, characteristics and beauty of this salt has attracted many fans in different countries.

blue salt

Since Iran is the largest producer of Semnan blue salt, the export of this product to different countries is very prosperous. If you are looking for a successful and profitable business, buying Semnan blue salt in bulk and exporting it to different countries can change your life.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Wholesale and retail of Semnan blue salt, Persian blue salt wholesale, Persian blue salt price, Where to buy Persian blue salt.

Wholesale and retail of Semnan blue salt, Persian Blue salt, the possibility of monthly supply of Semnan blue salt between 2 to 5 tons, 25 kg package, retail sale of at least 2 kg, shipping throughout the country.

Wholesale Semnan blue rock salt

Semnan blue salt rock is a kind of blue salt rock that is extracted only in the mountains around Semnan city, Garmsar city. This rock salt is blue because it is rich in the mineral potassium.

Blue salt is extracted only in Iran and is mainly sold by various centers. Halito complex is one of the top centers for selling blue salt rock. Tests and analyzes performed in the laboratory on the blue salt rock presented in this collection, show a purity of sodium chloride above 99% in this rock rock.

blue salt

Properties of Semnan blue salt

Semnan blue salt, also known as Persian blue salt, has extensive properties that most people in our country are unaware of. But blue salt is widely used by foreign countries, especially European countries, as a flavoring for seafood. Semnan matte blue salt contains potassium, iron, zinc and calcium and has many benefits for the human body.

Semnan blue salt rock because it is rich in potassium, helps to control blood pressure. Lack of potassium in the body causes high blood pressure. Semnan matte blue salt is very useful for the vascular system and maintains blood pressure at normal levels. Another property of this salt is reducing the risk of stroke.

Consumption of this rare salt reduces muscle cramps. Muscle cramps are one of the side effects of low potassium in the body. Blue salt, as a rich source of potassium, can compensate for this deficiency.

Blue salt rock is very useful for the nervous system and is joyful and energizing. Semnan matte blue salt reduces anger and helps to treat depression significantly. Blue salt has strong anti-stress properties.

blue salt

Properties of blue rock salt

Blue crystal salt is actually the same as table salt, which has changed its color due to the presence of some substances such as silhouette, iron and potassium, and its color is completely natural. Large salt crystals have blue streaks in them, in fact these crystals are not completely blue, they are transparent and there are blue lines in them.

blue salt

Blue rock salt , if crushed and pulverized, are fine-grained salts with a white to light blue matte color spectrum. Semnan blue salt rock, especially its crystal model is also used in home decoration and in many countries, it is used as a wound eye.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Sales and distribution center of Iranian blue salt powder, Iran blue rock salt, persian blue salt wholesale, biggest supplier of blue salt in Iran.

Sales and distribution center of Iranian blue salt powder, wholesale in 25 kg bags, blue crystal salt, monthly supply and export to all parts of the world, wholesale and retail of Semnan blue salt, Garmsar blue salt crystal.

One of the best types of salts and rock salts is blue rock salt, which has a unique beauty, and in many cases, this type of rock salt is used. One of the best types of blue salts is Iranian blue salt, which due to its therapeutic properties as well as its many decorative uses, has many fans in different countries of the world and therefore has a high price.

The amount of this type of rock salt in the world is very small and only in some salt ore mines this type of salt can be found. In Garmsar mine, different types of salts can be found, of which blue salt is one of these salts.

blue salt powder

Where is the blue salt mine?

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the amount of blue salt on the surface of the earth is very small. In Iran, Garmsar rock salt mine is one of the largest salt mines in Iran and the world, which has quality Iranian blue salt. Blue salt has a high amount of potassium, which can be used in the treatment of many diseases such as hypertension.

blue salt powder

How to consume blue salt

Blue salt is used in many different cases. One of the most important uses of this type of salt is to treat depression. Also, due to the unique beauty of this type of rock salt, its hand-picked and colorful type is very attractive for collectors.

Due to the fact that blue salt is rich in potassium, the potassium stored in it can be used to treat many diseases. Potassium is one of the elements needed by the human body that if its amount is reduced in the body, various diseases such as hypertension may occur to a person.

blue salt powder

Export of Iranian blue salt powder

Due to the fact that the amount of blue salt in the world is very small, so its price is higher than other types of rock salt. Iranian blue salt, which is extracted from salt rock mines in Garmsar and Semnan, is exported to different countries of the world, including European countries, and brings a very good currency for Iran.

Halito rock salt collection has the ability to deliver blue salt rock to customers around the world.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Supplier and distributor of blue salt in Iran, Blue rock salt, Persian blue salt block, Blue Crystal Salt, Blue persian salt price.

Supplier and distributor of blue mineral salt in Iran, Garmsar blue crystal salt, blue salt, purchase of Semnan sugar rock blue rock salt, the possibility of monthly supply and export to all over the world.

 What is blue salt?

We all have the idea that the color of salt is white. But it might be interesting to know that there are other types of salts that are blue in color and are called blue mineral salts.

Blue salt is the same as table salt or table salt, the blue color of which is due to the presence of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and silhouette. Of course, atmospheric conditions as well as pressure and humidity are among the other factors that have changed the color of this type of salt. Garmsar city can be introduced as one of the important centers for the production of this type of salt around the world.

blue salt

How to consume blue salt

Usually one of the questions that arises for people regarding water mineral salt is how it is consumed and in what cases it can be used?

In answer to this question, it should be said: this type of salt can be ground and used in cooking. The use of this salt is recommended because it regulates heart rate and blood pressure, and on the other hand can be useful in controlling stress and anxiety.

blue salt

Blue salt export center

As mentioned, the city of Garmsar is one of the most important centers for the production of mineral water salt around the world. That is why it is exported from Iran to other countries. Today, various countries, especially European countries, due to the unique properties of this type of salt, have become customers of its propolis tablets. It can be said that today about 90% of Iran’s products in the water salt sector belong to the export sector, which has led to various centers to operate in this field.

blue salt

The reason for this volume of export of blue mineral salt can be introduced as its high price. In fact, due to the limited number of mines of this type of salt around the world, the price of this salt is very high and that is why its consumption is very limited inside Iran. On the other hand, most people in Iran are not aware of the unique properties and characteristics of this type of salt and therefore do not want to buy it, while blue salt can be used as a treatment for many diseases. Introduced.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

blue salt is the rarest and most specific salt found on the market, not only because of its unusual color, but also because of its wonderful taste, which transforms everyone’s cooking and kitchen. this kind of salt is a kind of expensive one in comparison to the white salt, that is known more. In recent years, when many machines have been developed to extract this type of salt, the price of salt has fallen slightly due to the oversupply of demand, but it is still pricey.Blue salt has different qualities, the highest quality of which can be found in Iran. 

blue salt

Where does Blue salt come from?

In order to produce blue salt, first, salt stone is extracted from various mines, some cities in Iran have blue salt mines, such as Garmsar in Semnan and Fars province. After the salt stone is extracted from the mines, it is reduced to smaller sizes and transported to special workshops with the help of large vehicles. In these workshops, by using advanced devices, salt is made into little sizes that can be used by humans and then sold to consumers for sale.

In the past, when machines did not exist like machine of today, it was very difficult to extract salt ston from mines, and this caused the price of rock salt to rise too much, but today, with the use of modern machinery, this problem has been solved to some extent, and because blue salt does not cause high blood pressure in people, unlike regular salts, buyers are more likely to buy it.
Blue salt mills produce salt with the most advanced equipment, and it can be said that this type of salt is one of the types of salts that is very difficult and time consuming to extract and produce, that is the reason of rarely high price.

blue salt

Purchasing High-quality blue salt for domestic usage

Blue salt has different qualities, the different qualities of this type of salt depend on the mines which it is extracted from and the factory that processes the salt. Different qualities of salt have different prices, and the highest quality of blue salt has a higher price.

blue salt

Blue salt can be used as a substitute for the types of salt used at home, and in addition to not getting the various diseases that we get from common salts, it can make a significant difference in the taste of food. blue salt price is really suitable for its quality and everyone can use it for domestic uses.

Source: Halito rock salt company export center