
Export Iran Refined iodized salt to Iraq, iodine 60 ppm and 40 ppm, in 25 kg bag, capacity monthly 500 tons.

Purchasing market for refined salt exported to Iraq, special recrystallization salt for Iraqi Kurdistan with 60 iodine, 25 kg bag can be delivered at the border of Sardasht, Bashmaq and Parviz Khan.

The price of refined salt is determined by the producers, who buy this product in different cities, including Tehran. Also, the producers sell these salts in bulk, in which case the buyers, who generally The shopkeepers and distributors of this product can provide it at the distribution price.

Refined iodized salt

What are the benefits of consuming refined salt?

Consumption of refined salt will not only not be harmful to the body, but also has many benefits for the body, and proper use in moderation will have many benefits because it will regulate blood pressure.

In fact, the salt that is purified by related devices and in factories has caused the impurities that are in it to be separated and in fact their purity has increased, and therefore it has regulated the metabolism in the body. Will be human.

Also, refined salt, due to the salts that are naturally present in its constituent particles, causes the transmission of nerve messages and, in addition, the proper and timely function of the body’s muscles, which is a specific and limited amount of nutrients needed by humans. And its proper consumption is necessary.

In fact, one of the most important raw materials in the structure of salts is iodine, which is generally one of the most important micronutrients in it and is very necessary for the human body because all The foods that are present are accompanied by iodine, but it should be noted that the amount of iodine is not in a way that meets the needs of the human body, and therefore refined salts are used, which are associated with this advantage. .

It is a disease that causes the thyroid gland to enlarge and has many side effects that consuming as much salt as possible can significantly prevent this disease.

Refined iodized salt

Refined iodized salt factory

Manufacturers sell high quality and refined salt at exceptional and cheap prices, which in addition to the right price is also accompanied by good and acceptable quality. In fact, iodine deficiency in the body causes very dangerous diseases in humans. The most important of which is goiter.

Refined iodized salt

Call for bulk purchase and place an order.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Iran edible salt factory in Garmsar, edible refined salt with iodine 40 and 60 ppm, in 25 kg bag, export for Iraq and Georgia.

Sale of Garmsar salt at wholesale prices in the market, orange, red and pink export rock salt, edible recrystallization salt with special Iraqi health license with 60 iodine, pea, sugar and powder industrial salt.

Currently, Garmsar bulk salt is sold at the best price in the market, so you will have a good opportunity to get the best type of salt, which has a very high purity. This product is obtained from Garmsar salt mines and has been sent to manufacturing factories for the necessary processing. Finally, you will see products that are suitable not only for food but also for industrial use and are satisfactory in terms of quality. Be.

edible salt factory

What are the characteristics of Garmsar salt?

Now, salt production has been done by different parts of the country, among which, Garmsar is in the first ranks, because this city has a very large salt mine that provides the necessary opportunity for miners to extract large quantities of this product. have given.

Now, despite the huge volume of Garmsar salt extracted, this product is not only sufficient to meet the needs of the domestic market, but also to meet the needs of export markets, and therefore significant quantities of it have been exposed to export.

In the following, we want to make you more familiar with the characteristics of Garmsar salt, in which we have prepared some items:

  1. This salt is composed of fine grains and has white oyster crystals.
  2. It has a high degree of purity and no impurities such as gypsum are found in it.
  3. It has a very salty taste that shows the quality and originality of the product.
  4. It melts easily in the mouth and this is another prominent feature of Garmsar salt.

edible salt factory

Iran edible salt factory

If you have decided to buy bulk salt, we offer you Garmsar salt, this product with its excellent and exceptional quality has been well known among foreign customers and therefore is in a good position of export.

To process this product, manufacturers have repeatedly passed it through a sieve and filter to remove all impurities well, which has been successfully done, and therefore today Garmsar salt as the purest and best type of salt in All domestic and foreign markets are taken into account and it is not unreasonable that it has gained a lot of fame and reputation.

edible salt factory

But in the end, it is better to get acquainted with some of the most important uses of Garmsar salt, which are:

  • It has been considered in the paint industry.
  • The chemical industry has used it extensively.
  • It has become important in the textile industry.
  • It is used as a cleanser and disinfectant.
  • It is also considered in food, agriculture, medicine and photography industries.

Contact us to buy bulk Garmsar salt in bulk and packaged.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Iodized salt wholesale price in Iran, this price is for  minimum order 25 tons in 25 kg bag, per ton 990/000 toman and has 10 day validity.

Production of the best recrystallization salt with a minimum purity of 99.4% and above, packed in 25 kg bags and the possibility of spraying iodine at 40 and 60 ppm, weekly delivery of 250 tons.

Due to the fact that unrefined salts contain impurities that are harmful and threatening to the health of the body, so experts recommend that people must use refined salts for their food. Such as recrystallization salt, which according to the purification method, has such a name and is one of the best examples ever produced and approved by all health experts.

Iodized salt wholesale

How to use recrystallized salt

Each type of salt that is extracted from seawater or salt mines has impurities such as gypsum and sulfate, which are also indistinguishable from the original salt due to their white color, and therefore the consumption of unrefined salt coincides. Will be with the entry of these compounds into the body and thus endanger its health.

For this reason, it is strongly recommended that consumers use refined salt, otherwise it is not clear what are the consequences and dangerous diseases lurking in them!

It should be said that today, based on various methods, they try to purify salt, one of the most advanced and best of these methods is recrystallization, which leads to the removal of salt contaminants and all heavy and impure particles from it, and salt is completely purified. It will provide hygiene and contain useful compounds such as iodine, potassium, calcium, etc.

But as for how to use recrystallized salt, it has the same function as all other salts, and a certain amount of it should be added to various cooking foods, fried or raw foods, so that not too much and Not too small, this amount is usually between 2 to 3 teaspoons.

Iodized salt wholesale

Export of recrystallized salts

One of the centers that is known as the largest crystallization salt store and through which you can take quick steps to order and prepare this product, is the above center, which will provide you with very good facilities for purchasing crystallization salt.

Iodized salt wholesale

Also, you, dear buyers, can prepare the desired types of salt in various forms such as these, and you will also benefit from products with the latest production date:

  • Bulk crystallization salt: This product is supplied in kilograms, so you can order any amount you need.
  • Crystallization salt of packaging: It is available in multi-gram and printed packages and has very fine and separate granulations and with the best quality of freshness.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Edible salt factory in Iran, table salt and edible salt in 25 kg bag, purity 99.4 %, export to Iraq with iodine 60 ppm, Georgia with iodine 40 ppm.

Selling all kinds of iodized and iodized recrystallized table salt, for export to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iraq, 25 kg bag, possibility of packing and placing in jumbo bags.

The top producer of table salt processes and offers the recrystallization of these products in compliance with health issues as well as standards. It should be said that salt makes edible quality raw materials. In any case, after preparing table salt, it puts the product in beautiful packages that have different volumes.

Edible salt

Description of edible salt recrystallization

Do you know the elements that affect the price of different types of salt? The first issue is the quality of the raw materials of table salt. The better they are, the better edible salt is produced, and at the same time they have countless benefits.

Along with this, the way salt is presented is also very important. For example, bulk table salt is cheaper than packaged salt. Or the bulk of the table salt is sold by the seller at lower prices. In addition, the qualities of table salt are different and this is not ineffective.

However, from this collection you will be able to get the latest prices of table salt. In addition, the seller accepts your general orders and sends table salt to all parts of Iran upon request.

Edible salt

Supply of the best table salt

To buy table salt in bulk in global markets, you should refer to table salt distribution centers in foreign and domestic markets and finish buying table salt in general via the Internet or telephone. Customers of table salt in the global arena to buy table salt must act in absentia. They choose reputable sales centers for table salt to buy, and by visiting these stores, they prepare table salt to the desired amount and need.

Edible salt

The method of buying major table salt in the world is also very popular. Because this solution has unique features that make people who buy table salt turn to this method. The market for the sale of table salt includes several stores, all of which try to deliver excellent and good table salt to their customers. Centers have also been set up in these places that specially sell table salt in domestic markets. They reduce the price of their table salt, and such sellers attract more table salt buyers to their table salt.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Refined salt iodized and non iodized iran manufacturer in 25 kg bag, power supply monthly 500 tons, delivery at destination with Iran Certificate of origin.

Daily price of recrystallized table salt with 20 and 25 kg bags, special for export with the permission of the Ministry of Health, possibility of sending without iodine and with iodine, special export of Iraqi Kurdistan with 60 iodine.

Recrystallization table salt is a standard and hygienic table salt that does not cause any contamination and impurities and is produced by modern methods and equipped devices. This type of salt is offered in different packages at reasonable prices in the market.

Refined salt

Purification of salt by recrystallization method

Salt is in the category of minerals and is a very essential salt for human consumption. But this mineral does not exist in pure form in nature. Salt is found in the seas in dissolved form or in mines in the form of rock salt or salt mountains in different regions.

Eating iodized salt has a great impact on the health of children and adults, and its deficiency during development has serious side effects, but its high consumption, like any other food, is dangerous.

Salt obtained from nature must be purified and its impurities removed. How is the recrystallization method performed? We describe its steps quite simply.

After extracting the salt in any form, it is first ground and eaten. It is then dissolved in pure water to obtain a saturated solution of salt water. In this part, heavy materials are deposited in the solution and the solution is sent to the filters. It is then inserted into sand filters to increase the purity. The solution is then heated to supersaturation and then enters the crystallizer, in which the solution forms salt crystals, and the excess brine is centrifuged and the water is taken, and then the iodination step is performed.

These steps were a very simple form of the recrystallization method.

Refined salt

Special sale of recrystallized table salt

We knew that in order to form salt, the salt rock purification steps are performed and iodized salt, which is marketed by recrystallization method, is much healthier and healthier than other salts.

Refined salt

To access the special sale of table salt, recrystallization of salt is enough to register your order and receive it in less than 3 days as soon as possible, depending on the amount of the order at the destination.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Edible salt supplier and export to India and China, refined salt with iodine and without, in 25 kg bag.

Edible salt supplier

Market for the sale of recrystallized salt in 20 and 25 kg bags for export to Iraq, Russia and Georgia, the possibility of supply with iodine and without iodine.

The market for recrystallization salt is very hot and prosperous, and sellers believe that many buyers and customers come to the market to buy this product and intend to buy quality goods at a reasonable price. As you know, the issue of product quality and price is the most important issue that customers and buyers pay a lot of attention to when buying and try to buy first-class goods at a reasonable price.

Edible salt supplier

The difference between recrystallization salt and ordinary salt

If you know the difference between recrystalline salt and regular salt, you can easily buy the product you are considering.

Refined salt is the same as table salt, which is tasteless and without salt and is composed of sodium chloride.

Recrystallization salt does not contain any impurities or other substances and therefore can be considered the best salt and is the best option for people with high blood pressure. By using this product, you can easily guarantee the health of your body.

Recrystallization salt is much smaller than ordinary salt, which is rich in sodium and chlorine, which are essential for the body.

Edible salt supplier

Edible Salt manufacturer in Iran

The direct supply of rebirth salt has encouraged many people to buy this product. If you buy the product you need directly and without intermediaries, you can benefit from special and amazing discounts that are applied to the products.

Sea salt has the highest sales and among the types of salt in the domestic market and the international market. Because buyers and customers believe that the price of this product is very reasonable considering its quality and properties and can be considered the best purchase.

You can buy the product you need by phone and online from our reputable agencies.

If you buy the product you need from our official and reputable website, you can benefit from after-sales service, which includes product quality assurance and free shipping.

Edible salt supplier

Today, with the advancement of technology, most people prefer to buy in person to buy in person because they believe that this way they can save their time and money and by reducing air pollution and reducing traffic in large cities to protect the environment.

Source: Halito rock salt company