
Export Iran Industrial salt to Iraq, in 25 kg bag and in Jumbo bag as customer demand, industrial salt size .5 mm to 5 mm, Koohzarane pars bishapoor Co

Export of Garmsar industrial salt to Iraq, fine shell salt with 50 kg bag, 25 kg bag and jumbo bag, dishwasher salt, water hardening salt rock.

Industrial salt production method

Industrial salt is a salt that does not contain iodine and is less pure than table salt. The purity of industrial salt is less than 95%. Industrial salt production has a long history and one of the largest industries in the world is the salt production industry. . Join us to introduce you to the applications of industrial salt and export of industrial salt.

Industrial salt production is done in two ways. Industrial salt is either naturally derived from seawater or from sedimentary rocks on the seabed as a result of seawater evaporation. To produce industrial salt, three processes of solar, mineral and soluble mineral evaporation are used. In the industrial salt production process, after the salt rock enters the salt mill, it enters the crushing machine and after crushing, it passes through a filter or mesh.

Iran Industrial salt

Application of industrial salt in industries

Industrial salt is used in various industries. In the oil industry, industrial salt is used to strengthen rig foundations. A lot of underground salt is needed to make drilling easier. Pharmaceutical companies, on the other hand, use industrial salt in the production of capsules and saline solutions. Industrial salt is also used to create roads and driving safety. On the other hand, they use industrial salt to control freezing and freezing in the passages. Other applications of industrial salt include the usefulness of this type of salt in the production of glass, plastic and paint. Another application of industrial salt is in animal husbandry and poultry. Also, industrial salt is efficient and useful in the textile and weaving industry. Chopped salt is used to preserve the skin and leather in tanning. In fisheries, industrial salt is used to regulate hot and cold water for fish farming. On the other hand, this salt is also used to prevent the formation of fungi and parasites in fish. Salt is used in the food industry, especially in canning, to prevent the formation of fungi.

Iran Industrial salt

Iran Industrial salt Export

Garmsar city is one of the important mineral ores of Iran, which annually accounts for a large volume of the country’s industrial salt exports. Garmsar industrial salt is our country’s export product to Iraq, Turkey, Russia and the Persian Gulf countries. Garmsar industrial salt is usually exported in 25 to 50 kg bags. Given that we have many salt mines in the country, we can shine as the first salt supply hub in the world.

Iran Industrial salt

Salt is exported to India, Turkey, Iraq, Georgia, Oman and Afghanistan with all the necessary permits and customs formalities.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Export Iran industrial salt to Afghanistan, powder salt, white rock salt, red rock salt, edible salt, in 25 kg bag packing.

Sending Semnan industrial salt to Mahirood Mil 78 market, direct sale of various types of industrial salt oysters, powder and sugar directly from the factory to Mil 78 market and export to Afghanistan.

Production of industrial salt

Industrial salt may be small, but it is an important member of industrial uses. In the drilling industry, the absence of industrial salts equals the disappearance of the industry. Salt is not always edible, salt is a gift from nature. Industrial production of salt from underground salt mines is done by fully professional equipment.

To access the best product, we must use the best industrial equipment and perform the extraction, refining and production steps completely professionally. So if you are looking for high quality industrial salt, you need to know the best manufacturer.

Iran industrial salt

Iran Industrial Salt Factory

It is a white gold salt that is found richer in some areas. Garmsar Industrial Salt Factory, like a diamond miner, produces the best type of industrial salt. If you are an industrialist and have heard about industrial salts and their sources of production, you have surely heard the name of Garmsar salt.

Different products with very high purity and low processing rate. To reduce the cost of buying industrial salt, you need to get acquainted with the best factory to get the product you want, directly from the heart of nature. Purity and processing are very important in these salts, so be careful in your choice.

Iran industrial salt

What is the difference between industrial and edible salt?

As mentioned before, not every salt is edible. The main and important difference between table salt and industrial salt is the presence of salts and substances in them. Salt is an essential food for the body because it contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and in some cases iodine and other minerals. In the process of industrial salt production in the refining stage, many of these salts and essential substances are separated from the salt. This makes this product not suitable for food. Also, the use of chemicals in the processing stage and the separation of magnesium ions from the salt makes it harmful to the body.

Iran industrial salt

Industrial salts lose their edible properties during the processing and separation process and become merely crystals for industrial use. For example, imagine taking a motorbike and its tires from a car, which no longer has the power to move. Eating industrial salt can cause dangerous diseases and complications.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Iran industrial salt exporter and manufacturer, salt manufacturing company, export industrial salt to china, iraq and russia.

Industrial salt export center, all types of industrial salt with a grain size of 3 mm to 8 mm, loading in 25 kg bags and jumbo bags, salt exports to Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, Turkey and Armenia.

Industrial salts have many applicants in different fields due to their superior properties. This complex, as an industrial salt export center, has started its activities professionally in this field for many years and has always tried to show a worthy approach. Therefore, it has gained unparalleled profitability from selling its first-class products.

industrial salt exporter

Factors affecting the quality of high quality industrial salt

High quality industrial salt is prepared from the best materials obtained from the heart of the sea. It is passed through various filters to separate heavy elements well. As a result, there will be no more dangerous diseases such as cancer in the coming years.

All health conditions will be strictly observed so that there is no problem in this regard. It will pass through different sieves to be free of impurities and wastes until it is available to its audience, creating a uniform and attractive appearance.

No chemicals are used during the processing of the product to achieve a unique and first-class product. Ideal for use in bulk to meet customer needs in all areas.

industrial salt exporter

Iran industrial salt exporter

Major industrial salt exports from central Iran are sent to Armenia, Afghanistan, Bahrain, Qatar, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, UAE, Kuwait and Iraq to provide ideal profitability for the republic due to exchange rate differences. Islamic to bring. Of course, along with the main load, valid international laboratory sheets that contain the percentage of each of the elements in the material will be attached to fully satisfy the audience.

industrial salt exporter

It will be sent safely in metallized packages as long as it is available to the customer and retains its original features in the best possible way. To order, pick up your mobile phone and contact one of the numbers listed on the site. Study the technical specifications of the product well to be familiar with all angles of work.

This product is durable if properly maintained and can have a unique approach. Sales in bulk can reduce the end-of-work rate so that more enthusiasts can take advantage of the product.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Industrial salt factory in Iran daily price, industrial salt supplier, export industrial salt to Iraq, Russia, India in 25 kg bag.

Sale of the latest industrial salt for daily production, powdered salt, sugar salt, pea and fishery salt, oyster salt with 25 and 40 kg packaging, major industrial salt production, for information on the daily price of industrial salt, call, minimum order 10 tons.

The sale of the latest industrial salt is experiencing an increasing trend, considering the price of industrial salt, which has been set fairly and balanced by reputable units. This salt is considered by many industries as one of the main and most important raw materials in the production of required materials, which of course is possible by referring to active centers in terms of the Internet in a great way.

industrial salt

Industrial salt production

One of the minerals available in the market is salt, the constituents of which are not complex substances. Sodium as the main substance and chlorine are two important and valuable substances in this regard. In fact, its scientific name is sodium chloride, which is available in different types in the market.
One of the most important of these is industrial salt. An important feature of this material is its lower purity, which is at a lower level compared to table salt.

To better understand the purity of industrial salt, we can say that if we know this number in edible salt more than 99 percent or more precisely 2.99 percent, in industrial salt, which of course is not used orally, it falls below 95 percent. .
This salt is not iodized and, as its name suggests, is used in industrial applications. The reason for the difference between food and industrial samples is the passage of food samples through the stages of purification and refining, which will lead to its health, and in this case, eating it will not poison our body. A stage that is not passed in industrial salt and as a result eating it is dangerous to health.
Instead, its applications can be seen in the industries of detergent or hygiene products, water and wastewater, acid production, tanning industry, etc.

industrial salt

Industrial salt prices



Export of Garmsar industrial salts

Our country Iran has many mineral resources for the production and preparation of salt. As a result, it can be boldly classified as one of the top countries in this field.

industrial salt

Halito rock salt group, in some parts of our country, launches its activities with the aim of producing quality and appropriate salt, and to achieve this goal, offers efforts in this direction.
Utilizing the up-to-date knowledge and expertise of people who are experts in this field and have years of experience, Namak Industrial Company has been able to introduce its name as a top supplier in this sector and the satisfaction of many industries and jobs in its record of success.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

The largest industrial powder salt center, export from Iran in cheap price and delivery at fastest time, 25 kg bag, lowest ocean freight.

The use of salt in the past to flavor foods has been common among people and has been produced in a variety of ways. But today, in addition to edible salt, industrial powder salt is also used, which is used for other purposes.

industrial powder salt

Uses of industrial powder salt

There are different types of industrial powder salt, which have different applications in our lives, some of which are mentioned and are:

  • Industrial salt is used for treatment plants as well as for water and wastewater treatment, so that water is healthier and is sometimes used for water hardening.
  • This type of salt is also used for animal husbandry and animal husbandry. Even this type of salt is used in tanneries.
  • This type of salt is also used to regenerate resin stones, but this can be done by making many changes.
  • It is used in the preparation of cosmetics and also in the preparation of serums with a certain amount.
  • This type of salt is used in roads and transportation and in municipalities for when there is a lot of frost and snow on the roads and roads, the municipal organization uses it.
  • Another widely used item is used in most food, cosmetics and canneries.

industrial powder salt

Preparation of industrial powder salt from the factory

Industrial powder salt is produced in different ways in the factory and is provided to buyers with excellent quality and cheap price, and due to these features, many people inside and outside the country order and buy it.

The price of industrial powder salt depends on several factors:

The first is the type of brand and manufacturer of the product, as well as the type of material used, and the other issue that affects the price is that if it is purchased in bulk, the price is much cheaper.

industrial powder salt

The higher sales of this industrial product have led to more production, and this increase in production and sales has caused many people who do not have a job to work in this field and also have a great impact on the country’s economic production process.

Source: Halito rock salt company

The largest industrial salt factory in Iran, salt manufacturer, export industrial salt and edible salt from iran to india and russia in 25 kg bag and jumbo (1 ton).

How is industrial salt produced?

There are only two ways to produce salt in a completely natural way:

  • Extraction through underground sediments
  • Extraction from seas and lakes

Depending on the topographic conditions of the area, this extraction may occur in different ways.

Industrial salt is no exception, and as with other salts, a chemical compound containing ions such as sodium and chlorine is about 40 and 60 percent per gram of salt, respectively.

industrial salt factory

The difference between industrial and refined salt

Our country, Iran, has a lot of salt mines and is actually one of the top 20 producers of mineral salts in the world. However, for various reasons, such as the high cost of the raw salt treatment process, some of the salt extracted from the mines and salt lakes goes to the consumer market unrefined, ie in the form of raw industrial salt.

Non-edible or industrial salt is salt that has a much lower purity than edible salt.

In fact, the main difference between industrial salt and edible salt is that the purity, purity and iodine content of this type of salt are lower.

Edible salt has a 99% purity, but industrial salts are sometimes less purified because they are not refined and refined.

industrial salt factory

Uses of industrial salt

Industrial salts have many uses. This type of salt as well as mineral salt is used in various industries such as water and wastewater treatment, tanning industry, acid industry, sanitary and detergent factories and other industries.

In addition to these industries, industrial salt is also used for livestock and livestock use. Industrial salt rock is also used to purify water in treatment plants, to regenerate resins, and finally in boilers and boilers. Takes.

It is even interesting to know that industrial salts are used for applications such as ummification and muscle weakness.

industrial salt factory

Industrial salt factory

Iran has a lot of rock salt mines and its salt storage alone can meet the needs of at least 100 countries.

But not all mines have access to modern rock crushing and packaging machines, so we have not been able to reach the international market as much as we have the potential.

industrial salt factory

The most important point in the supply of industrial salts is the precise meshing of rock salt and on the other hand, special export bags. Will lean towards it.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Iran Salt Industrial Salt Market, Granular Salt Powder Salt from 1 mm to 5 mm can be exported to all parts of the world

Industrial salt Vs edible salt

As you know, salt plays a very important role in our lives and salt can be classified into two categories.

  1. Edible salt
  2. Industrial salt

Industrial salt differs from edible salt in several respects, the most important of which are the following three:

  1. Lower degree of purity
  2. Untreated
  3. No iodine

The use of industrial salt has caused the sales of industrial salt to be very high, as it is the main factor in almost all industries.

Among its applications can be used in various industries:

  • Livestock
  • leather manufacturing
  • Water treatment plants
  • For cleaning agents
  • Textile color
  • In cleaning oil wells
  • Paper production
  • Tire production
  • Steel production

In addition, industrial salt is widely used in chemical plants.

Industrial Salt Sale Market

Types of industrial salt

Industrial salt has different types, the most important of which are:

  • Salt size 5.5 to 2.5 mm
  • Salt size 1 to 5 mm
  • Salt size .3 to .6 mm
  • Powdered salt

Salt Size 5.5 to 2.5: This salt is also known as Mash 110 salt. Another name for it is drilling salt, because the main buyers of this salt are oil drilling companies and they need it very much to prevent the destruction of the well wall. Foods In some cases, this salt is used, such as salt, to make food profitable in Georgia.

Powdered salt: This type of salt is in the form of powder, which is also called soft salt, and is widely used to prepare animal feed.

In the field of chemical production, especially acidification, only powdered salt is used, although its oral use is very high in Afghanistan.

Salt Size .3 to 6. mm: We come to the latest category of industrial salts called shell salts. These salts are in the form of powder and are similar to soft salt, but due to their brightness and luster, they are called shell industrial salts. Have named.

This salt has two meshes or the same famous size, which are famous for 120 and 130, of course, type 130 usually has very little production, especially in winter, it is difficult to produce.

Industrial Salt Sale Market

Industrial Salt Sale Market

The industrial salt market is always booming and the main reason for this is the expansion of industries. For example, China is one of the largest holders of industries in the world and therefore needs to use industrial salt.

Industrial Salt Sale Market

Iran, with its high production capacity of industrial salt, has the ability to meet the industrial needs of Asian countries, Eastern Europe and North Africa.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Supply and export industrial salt with jumbo bag, over 98 % purity, size .5 to 5 mm, delivery in 12 days CIF.

Industrial salt price



Export industrial salt

Purchase of Garmsar industrial salt has been highly welcomed due to its high quality, because Garmsar salt rock exists in different purity levels and in different types, and is extracted from salt rock mines in different ways.

Due to the high quality of Garmsar rock salt, this rock salt is also in great demand in different countries and is exported to different countries.

The purity of Garmsar salt rock is higher than other rock rocks, so that the percentage of sodium and chlorine varies between 96 and 99.5 percent.

The purest tropical salt rocks are prepared for export after extraction. You can buy Garmsar export salt from Halito rock salt group.

export industrial salt

Iran industrial salt

After extracting from the mines, Garmsar rock salts are taken to industrial salt factories, where they are crushed by cubits and other advanced equipment and graded by vibrating sieves.

Depending on the grading and grain size, the application of industrial salt is different, but the best-selling industrial salt is sugar sugar 110 mesh and fishery salt mesh 80, which is in great demand.

export industrial salt

Wholesale Salt Refining

The bulk sale of refined salt is the recrystallization of a 25 kg bag by Halito Collection. It is also the best-selling edible salt on the domestic and foreign markets.

Sales centers can buy this salt in bulk from manufacturing plants. Note that refined salt, which is used for food, must be supplied in hygienic packaging and be stamped with a stamp, health apple and health license.

Because the ore extracted from the mines may contain heavy elements and have a lower degree of purity, they must be refined for food use. During refining iodine, reverse sugar and anti-cake are added to the salt.

export industrial salt

Buy industrial salt

Purchase of industrial salt with 5 different meshes, the possibility of delivery is offered in 1 ton jumbo bag, as well as 25 kg and 40 kg bags.

export industrial salt

Industrial salt in various meshes for industries such as acidification, chlorination, disinfection, detergent production, water treatment, dyeing, textile, rubber, steel and aluminum industries, oil and gas industries, cosmetics production, tanning And leather, animal husbandry and animal husbandry, animal feed production, water hardening, fisheries industry are sold.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Iran Industrial salt 25kg supplier and wholesaler, capacity monthly 1500 tons, in cheap price, export to Iraq, india, russia, afghanistan, UAE.

Supply of the best industrial packaging salt, 25 and 40 kg bags, industrial sugar and fishery salt, dishwasher salt, fishery salt and olive picking.

The best packaged industrial salt is supplied in bulk and in part in the market. In fact, the main seller of this product has tried to reduce the price of this product by adopting a long-term profit-making strategy. This has also led to an increase in demand for it.

Industrial salt 25kg

Iran industrial salt supplier

Salt is one of the most important and basic substances that is used as a seasoning and flavoring. In general, if there is no salt in the food, no matter how good the food is, you still can not feel the taste of it well. In this article, we have tried to provide you with information about packaged industrial salt. Accordingly, we invite you to join us until the end of this article.

Industrial salt is usually one of the salts that is processed and because of this, it contains large amounts of iodine. On the other hand, these salts are offered in completely hygienic packages, which also increases people’s desire to consume it. There are currently a variety of industrial salts on the market, some of which have been briefly mentioned here. Among the most important of them are the following.

  • Sugar industrial salt 
  • Powdered industrial salt
  • Industrial fishery salt
  • Industrial oyster salt

Also, in another division, these products are divided into two types: iodine and non-iodine. As mentioned, the iodized type has many international standards that try to properly process this product by adding iodine to it. It should be noted that table salt is found in mineral form in sediments and sediments as well as folds that are extracted in the form of rocks.

Industrial salt 25kg

Industrial salt 25 kg factory

As you know, salt is one of the best foods without which food tastes like water. In general, it is a mineral salt that is mainly produced from sodium and chlorine and is therefore one of the most important salts used in human daily diet.

Industrial salt 25kg

Buy and sell industrial packaged salt in Tehran market. The price of this product is very affordable and insignificant due to its important role in the food basket. Of course, the price of salt depends on several factors. Among the most important of these, we can mention its quality and quality along with its type of packaging.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Market of industrial salt in Iran, export to India, Iraq and Russia, white salt size .3 mm to 8 mm, 25 kg packing.

Market for selling industrial salt for export, industrial salt for sugar, shell and powder mesh, the possibility of packaging and export in a 25 kg bag and a 1 ton jumbo bag.

To buy bulk industrial packaging salt, you should look for a player that offers different types and is highly reputable. In general, we must say that they can be obtained in small packages and a few grams or in bulk and kilograms. The supplier also offers products at reasonable rates. But if you want to take the easy way out, you can contact the seller of this convenient supply center. It is possible to talk and consult through the various communication channels listed below, and the provider also accepts orders.

industrial salt

Iran Salt manufacturing company

The major industrial salt supplier offers such a product with excellent quality. Of course, it should be said that the sale of salt  is done in various or bulk packages according to customers’ requests. However, if you are looking for healthy industrial salt exports or partial distribution throughout the country, you can easily get the best ones, through which it is possible to produce the product online.

Major industrial salts are exported from Iran to several countries. Basically, traders, in order to be able to sell the products in the world markets in the best possible way, refer to the industrial salt supplier to buy the best type of goods. This leads to high sales and profitability, which is in the interest of the manufacturer as well as the company that exports.

industrial salt

Direct supply of packaged industrial salt

“The excellent industrial salt seller offers this product, which is made by the best companies, in various types and packages. It should be said that the use of such products plays a great role in cooking and makes various foods more delicious. In general, the distribution of industrial salt is done in bulk, with this account, its customers are special and most are restaurant owners, food vendors and traders.

industrial salt

From the most reputable supplier of industrial salts, the best type can be obtained by combining the best natural products. Supplied in various packages, especially cotton bags as well as different cans that have different weights.

It should also be added that such products are produced in different types of high quality salt and then offered. They are made by companies that have legal licenses.

Overall, this distribution center, which offers its products online, is the best supplier in this field. You can place your order from anywhere. “Of course, sales are done in bulk, and its customers are often traders.”

Source: Halito rock salt group