
Industrial salt manufacturer in Iran, salt in 25 kg bag, mesh size .5 mm to 5 mm, capacity monthly 850 tons.

Production of industrial salt of chickpea sugar powder, powder and small shells, sale of industrial salt with 50 kg, 25 kg bags and jumbo bags, Garmsar industrial salt for export to Iraq, Oman and Afghanistan.

Introduction of industrial salts

Industrial salt, which has a lower purity than table salt; It is produced in different grades and sizes, each of which has its own application. High quality industrial salt is sold in Halito collection. Some types of industrial salts of Halito collection are:

Sugar: Sugar salt is also known as drilling salt and is so called because its grains are the size of sugar. This salt is used in oil and gas industries for drilling oil wells. This salt is used in food industries such as cheese production and salting meat. The mesh size of this salt is 110.

Fisheries: Fishery salt is a salt whose grains are between half and one centimeter. This industrial salt is widely used in fisheries and aquaculture. It is also used to harden water and regenerate resins and the leather industry.

Powder: Powdered salt has the smallest size of industrial salt in terms of size and is used for livestock and poultry feed, detergent production, production of various acids and in the recycling industry.

Oyster: Oyster salt, which is produced in 120 and 130 mice, is used in water and wastewater treatment. Because of the transparency of the grains of this salt, it is called oyster salt.

Industrial salt manufacturer

Industrial salt production stages

The production process of industrial salt is not much different from table salt. After the salts have been collected from lakes or salt mines; It is taken to salt factories and after initial washing, it is turned into different parts using large industrial mills. Using special screens, these grains are classified into different meshes. In the stages of industrial salt production, steps such as hardening, removal of heavy metals from salt, deposition of calcium and magnesium, addition of iodine, etc. are not observed because this salt is not used as table salt.

The production of industrial salt has fewer steps and less cost than table salt, and less technology is used to produce it.

Industrial salt manufacturer

Industrial salt manufacturer

Owners of industries such as aquaculture growers, natural leather producers, water and wastewater treatment plants, nuclear energy industries, etc. use industrial salt in abundance. It is profitable for these industries to buy salt in bulk from industrial salt sales centers. Industrial salt is also sold mainly by producer centers.

Industrial salt manufacturer

Contact to buy bulk types of industrial salt.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Iran industrial salt manufacturer and wholesaler, white industrial salt size .5 mm to 5 mm, in 25 kg bag packing.

Wholesale sugar salt of Semnan salt factory, sugar salt size 1 ml to 2.5 ml, 25 kg and 40 kg bags, possibility of monthly production up to 850 tons.

Familiarity with Iran industrial salt

Have you ever heard of salt? We have always used to see salt and sugar separately, but do not be surprised, salt is still the same as salt and sugar is the same as sugar. Sugar salt is a type of salt that is very similar to sugar.

The grain size of this salt is the same as the sugar grains, but slightly larger. This type of salt is very popular among all industries that use salt. This salt is used in various industries such as drilling and road construction.

Iran industrial salt

The best producer of industrial salt

Industrial salt has a different production process than table salt. In the field of refining, refining and extraction, it goes through different stages. Since the use of this salt is very important in industry, we must choose the best type of it.

It is easy to tell if a salt is good. That’s why you should look for the best industrial salt producer. Get the best sugar salt from the most reputable manufacturer.

Iran industrial salt

What is the use of industrial salt?

The salt of these fine crystalline grains, when put together, can be a cane in the hands of industrialists. Industrial salt or sugar salt have many uses. Some of the uses of industrial salt are as follows:

  • Used in agriculture for mud and soil compaction
  • Used in drilling especially drilling to create rigs
  • Medicinal uses in the production of capsules and saline solutions
  • Used in road construction and road construction
  • Use on icy parts of the road to prevent slipping
  • Used in the material recycling industry
  • Use in chemical acids production workshop
  • Use in poultry farms
  • Used in fisheries for disinfection
  • Used in leather making and tanning
  • Used in cheese making

Of course, it should be noted that industrial salt also has different types. Such as powdered salt, sugar salt, shell salt and fishery salt, each of which has its own applications and properties.

Iran industrial salt

Iran salt factory

If you are looking for the best, most high-quality sugar salts that are also reasonably priced, then you have chosen the right path. Put brokers and intermediaries aside and put your hand directly in the hands of the sugar salt factory.

By buying this product in bulk, you can pay very little money and save. Do not miss this special opportunity.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Export Iran Industrial salt to Iraq, in 25 kg bag and in Jumbo bag as customer demand, industrial salt size .5 mm to 5 mm, Koohzarane pars bishapoor Co

Export of Garmsar industrial salt to Iraq, fine shell salt with 50 kg bag, 25 kg bag and jumbo bag, dishwasher salt, water hardening salt rock.

Industrial salt production method

Industrial salt is a salt that does not contain iodine and is less pure than table salt. The purity of industrial salt is less than 95%. Industrial salt production has a long history and one of the largest industries in the world is the salt production industry. . Join us to introduce you to the applications of industrial salt and export of industrial salt.

Industrial salt production is done in two ways. Industrial salt is either naturally derived from seawater or from sedimentary rocks on the seabed as a result of seawater evaporation. To produce industrial salt, three processes of solar, mineral and soluble mineral evaporation are used. In the industrial salt production process, after the salt rock enters the salt mill, it enters the crushing machine and after crushing, it passes through a filter or mesh.

Iran Industrial salt

Application of industrial salt in industries

Industrial salt is used in various industries. In the oil industry, industrial salt is used to strengthen rig foundations. A lot of underground salt is needed to make drilling easier. Pharmaceutical companies, on the other hand, use industrial salt in the production of capsules and saline solutions. Industrial salt is also used to create roads and driving safety. On the other hand, they use industrial salt to control freezing and freezing in the passages. Other applications of industrial salt include the usefulness of this type of salt in the production of glass, plastic and paint. Another application of industrial salt is in animal husbandry and poultry. Also, industrial salt is efficient and useful in the textile and weaving industry. Chopped salt is used to preserve the skin and leather in tanning. In fisheries, industrial salt is used to regulate hot and cold water for fish farming. On the other hand, this salt is also used to prevent the formation of fungi and parasites in fish. Salt is used in the food industry, especially in canning, to prevent the formation of fungi.

Iran Industrial salt

Iran Industrial salt Export

Garmsar city is one of the important mineral ores of Iran, which annually accounts for a large volume of the country’s industrial salt exports. Garmsar industrial salt is our country’s export product to Iraq, Turkey, Russia and the Persian Gulf countries. Garmsar industrial salt is usually exported in 25 to 50 kg bags. Given that we have many salt mines in the country, we can shine as the first salt supply hub in the world.

Iran Industrial salt

Salt is exported to India, Turkey, Iraq, Georgia, Oman and Afghanistan with all the necessary permits and customs formalities.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Export Iran industrial salt to Afghanistan, powder salt, white rock salt, red rock salt, edible salt, in 25 kg bag packing.

Sending Semnan industrial salt to Mahirood Mil 78 market, direct sale of various types of industrial salt oysters, powder and sugar directly from the factory to Mil 78 market and export to Afghanistan.

Production of industrial salt

Industrial salt may be small, but it is an important member of industrial uses. In the drilling industry, the absence of industrial salts equals the disappearance of the industry. Salt is not always edible, salt is a gift from nature. Industrial production of salt from underground salt mines is done by fully professional equipment.

To access the best product, we must use the best industrial equipment and perform the extraction, refining and production steps completely professionally. So if you are looking for high quality industrial salt, you need to know the best manufacturer.

Iran industrial salt

Iran Industrial Salt Factory

It is a white gold salt that is found richer in some areas. Garmsar Industrial Salt Factory, like a diamond miner, produces the best type of industrial salt. If you are an industrialist and have heard about industrial salts and their sources of production, you have surely heard the name of Garmsar salt.

Different products with very high purity and low processing rate. To reduce the cost of buying industrial salt, you need to get acquainted with the best factory to get the product you want, directly from the heart of nature. Purity and processing are very important in these salts, so be careful in your choice.

Iran industrial salt

What is the difference between industrial and edible salt?

As mentioned before, not every salt is edible. The main and important difference between table salt and industrial salt is the presence of salts and substances in them. Salt is an essential food for the body because it contains calcium, magnesium, potassium and in some cases iodine and other minerals. In the process of industrial salt production in the refining stage, many of these salts and essential substances are separated from the salt. This makes this product not suitable for food. Also, the use of chemicals in the processing stage and the separation of magnesium ions from the salt makes it harmful to the body.

Iran industrial salt

Industrial salts lose their edible properties during the processing and separation process and become merely crystals for industrial use. For example, imagine taking a motorbike and its tires from a car, which no longer has the power to move. Eating industrial salt can cause dangerous diseases and complications.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

wholesale industrial salt in Iran, Salt wholesale dealer, Salt wholesale suppliers, Industrial Salt price.

Major sales of industrial salt in Tehran market, sugar salt, fine oyster salt and coarse oyster salt, pea salt and waltz fishery, powder salt and rock salt powder, supplied in 25 kg bag.

Industrial salt is one of the most widely used sources of turpentine, which is used in various industries. Industrial salt has a lower purity than traditional salt. This salt is mostly used for: chemical, tanning and acidification. This product has a higher quality in Tehran market and this salt is also offered in bulk. Wholesale sales of industrial salt in Tehran market is very prosperous because it is wholesale, it is very cheap and affordable.

wholesale industrial salt

Comparison of industrial and traditional salt types

As you know, in traditional medicine, salt is one of the foods that are used in food to cleanse the body and not to smell the colon. Some people do not know the difference between industrial and traditional salt. In the continuation of this article, we will compare the types of industrial salt with traditional, which are:

  • Industrial salts have larger grains and because they are not refined, they are used for various industries and also industrial salt has a lot of transparency.
  • Traditional salt due to iodine ‌ has a set of minerals that are important for strengthening the digestive system. This salt also has a colorful role in strengthening blood circulation and antioxidants.
  • Industrial salt is also used in medicine, and because it has a lower purity, many people consider it the most widely used type of salt. Traditional salt also causes high blood pressure.
  • Industrial rock salt is effective for livestock affairs. This salt can be placed next to animal feed so that the animal can improve the digestive system after licking this salt.
  • Traditional salt also improves thyroid function, and people can consume it depending on their age and enjoy the many benefits of traditional salt.

Salt has all the nutrients and eating it along with other foods can help you digest food better and have better blood circulation.

wholesale industrial salt

Purchase industrial rock salt at factory

It is possible to buy industrial salt rock with production price in different ways. Rock salt is one of the main necessities of daily life, with its damage you can get large amounts. Industrial rock salt is much cheaper to produce and different people have the ability to buy it.

wholesale industrial salt

It is possible to sell industrial salt through Halito salt rock collection. Buyers can refer to this site and buy and buy it in bulk. Because it is offered online, buyers anywhere in Iran can easily purchase and purchase it.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Wholesaler and supplier of Industrial salt powder, in 25 kg bag, export powder salt to Iraq, Georgia, Armenia, Afghanistan.

Major export of industrial powdered salt, salt powder with 25 kg bag without crystal, export of powdered salt to Afghanistan, wholesale of powdered salt with laminated bag.

Salt is a powerful disinfectant that has many applications in human life. Industrial powder salt is one of the major products of the country and sales in this field are very significant. In this regard, we can consider a great investment in such a way that a very high volume of daily exports can be considered.

The export of industrial powdered salt in Iran is mainly formed by packaging and bulk to the world, which shows the appropriate quality and quantity of this product.

Industrial salt powder

How is industrial powder salt produced?

Do you know how industrial powdered salt is produced? To get to this question, it is better to first know what powdered salt looks like. Powdered salt is a product that is very soft and is not unlike the softness of vanilla or baking powder. Due to the absorption of air moisture, powdered salts are placed in suitable laminated bags so that their tissue is not damaged.

Our country has many salt mines and has many lakes and underground resources that have the potential to supply a large amount of world salt. The salt that is extracted in Iran is marketed in two forms, refined and unrefined, which is the same as industrial powdered salt.

Industrial powdered salt is packaged in special refineries after processing with a lower purity than refined salts in powder form in special laminated bags to be delivered to customers. This salt is mostly used in industry and due to the lack of iodine is not suitable for human consumption and is used for works such as water purification or acid production.

Industrial salt powder

Industrial powder salt order center

We may be able to eliminate all kinds of food condiments such as spices from food, but we can not leave out salt and it is one of the main ingredients in cooking. There are many sales centers in the country that sell this product in bulk and accept the order of industrial salt in bulk, but for easy shopping, it is better to do your shopping online.

Industrial salt powder

In the industrial powder ordering center, salt can be ordered in any volume, at a reasonable price and in the easiest way. In this regard, we can introduce the best center to you, dear consumer, so that you can buy the goods from this site in the best condition and without intermediaries. To register an order from the largest shopping center, you can apply through Halito salt rock collection.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Iran Industrial salt supply market in 2022, export industrial salt to Russia and Iraq, 25 kg bag and jumbo bag.

Industrial salt supply market in 2022, industrial salt rock price, industrial salt producer, export of industrial salt with jumbo bag, for direct purchase of edible and industrial salt from the factory.

Salt is one of the most widely used products in various industries that in addition to being used in food preparation can also be used in various industries and this special type of salt is known as industrial salt.

The industrial salt supply market in 2022 was offered by this top seller and buyers can meet their needs from this market through this seller at a low price.

Iran Industrial salt

The purity of industrial salt compared to table salt

In terms of appearance, there are many similarities between industrial salt and table salt, but the differences are not small, so that these two salts have many differences in terms of purity; Industrial salt is widely used in the production of chemicals, especially in the petrochemical industry, and the use of salt in these cases does not require a high degree of purity as table salt, so the most important difference between the two salts in terms of amount and purity. There is no industrial iodine salt.

The purity of common salt is 99%, while this level is 95% of industrial salt, and this is due to refining processes on common salt and removing unsuitable mineral compounds from it, because compounds such as mercury and arsenic in Unrefined salt can cause kidney stones and poisoning in the body, but in industrial salt, due to the lack of oral consumption, there is no limit in this regard and there is no need for refining and purity more than this amount.

Therefore, the purity of industrial salt is much lower than table salt because different processes have not been refined and on it, and due to its use in various industries such as tanning, animal and poultry nutrition, paint production, animal husbandry and many other cases need not be Increasing the degree of purity is not.

Iran Industrial salt

Iran industrial salt supplier

The supply of industrial salt in different grades is in the form of industrial salt rock and can be extracted from the mines that exist in different parts of the country. However, due to the different types of these salts in terms of purity in terms of price between They will be different, so major buyers should inquire about the price of this salt before ordering, so that more detailed planning can be done to order it.

Iran Industrial salt

Price inquiries are easily done through this website and its sales department, and buyers can be in direct contact with this seller through various telephone and social networks to be informed of the current price and, based on the need for the desired industrial salt for the address. Ask yourself.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Iodine and iodine-free industrial and table salt sales center, iran edible salt factory, industrial salt manufacturer in Iran.

Sales center for industrial and edible salt of iodine and without iodine, refined industrial salt, industrial salt price, industrial salt production, 25 kg and 40 kg bags.

Types of edible industrial salt and its application

Industrial salt is a type of salt that has a lower percentage of purity than natural salt. This salt, as its name implies, is industrial and does not go through various processes in salt factories, including refining and refining.

Industrial salt is used in various industries including drilling, agriculture and detergent production. For non-industrial uses, there is also industrial edible salt. This type of salt does not have the salts that cause damage such as kidney stones due to the mechanism and production stages that it has gone through. Industrial table salt is free of iodine and other terrestrial salts and contains only sodium and chlorine.

There are different types of industrial salt that differ according to the extraction sources, production stages and refining process. Powdered salt, table salt, shell salt, fishery salt, agricultural salt and drilling are among the types of industrial salts, each of which is used for different purposes.

industrial and table salt

Production of industrial and table salt

Production of edible industrial salt is done by salt factories. About 200 million tons of industrial salt are produced annually. Some of these products are used for export to other countries. The other part is used in industrial and urban applications. For example, in the cold seasons of the year and when the land is covered with snow and ice, the highway and the municipality are obliged to prevent industrial accidents by spraying industrial salt on the roads and streets. Sometimes, due to the high cost of salt refining, these products are marketed raw.

industrial and table salt

Iran rock salt mine

Industrial salt is extracted from various sources. These sources can be seas, underground salts or salt mines. Various countries such as China and Korea are producing industrial salt. Meanwhile, some countries have richer and higher quality resources. Our country Iran can be considered among the top 20 countries in the field of production and export of industrial salt.

industrial and table salt

One of the most valuable mines in Iran is Garmsar rock salt mine. These mines, which have become one of the tourism hubs of Semnan province, are treasures rich in salt and rock salt. The quality of the salts extracted from these mines is amazing. Some of these mines are winding on the slopes of the mountains, creating beautiful scenery.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Top industrial salt producer in Iran, industrial salt price, table salt company in Iran, supply edible and industrial salt to India, china and russia.

Top producer of industrial salt in Iran, pharmaceutical and industrial salt, Semnan salt, salt powder, factory door price, refined industrial salt, purchase of mineral salt.

The difference between industrial and edible salt

Industrial salt has a much lower purity than table salt and is one of the applications of industrial salt in its optimal use for livestock and livestock industry.

Did you know that the process of purification and purification is done in table salt, and this action prevents people from getting kidney stones by consuming table salt?

Seeing this difference between industrial and table salt is significant, but the main difference between these two salts is that industrial salt has a purity slightly lower than 98%, but the purity of table salt is from 99.2% and above.

Another major difference between the two products is in iodine spraying, so that industrial salt can not receive and spray iodine, and doing so is a violation.

industrial salt producer

Application of salt in the drilling industry

Extensive offshore and offshore drilling in oil and gas extraction uses industrial salts in the size of 1 to 2.5 miles, known in market terms as sugar salt.

This salt is used as a special weight enhancer for drilling mud, which is used as drilling fluid, and adding drilling salt to the density of this liquid causes it to be saturated. Drilling salt is then active in controlling and preventing well from falling.

industrial salt producer

Medicinal and industrial salt

You can see the dramatic use of medicinal salt in many pharmaceutical industries. Medicinal salt of high purity is present in ocular lens fluid, laboratory salt, etc. Of course, this salt is used in injectable serums as well as orally.

Crystalline rock salt, which is the purest type of rock salt on the planet, is widely used in the production of various medicines and has a higher price than other rock salts (except blue rock salt).

industrial salt producer

Cognition of industrial salt powder

You should know that crystalline grains are not found in powdered salt and have a very soft appearance, so it is sometimes called industrial soft salt.

Rock salt powder is widely used in many industries that do not require salt crystals, such as acid making, detergent industry, livestock and poultry, dairy industry, for the production of leather in tanning or even fisheries.

Note that because industrial powder salt is very absorbent of water and moisture, the packaging of this salt should be done in laminated bags.

industrial salt producer

What is Industrial Refined Salt?

This salt is refined in factories and is cleaned of insoluble substances that reduce its purity. Also, in industrial refined salt, the effects of heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic and lead are not seen and from materials such as lime, sand. Is also acquitted.

The highest use of refined salt is found in the food industry and almost all food industries require the use of this product.

industrial salt producer

Industrial salt producer

Our collection offers refined recrystallized salt in 25 kg bags with iodine and without iodine and always sells its product at a lower price than the market norm.

industrial salt producer

The purity of this product varies between 99.2 to 99.8 and has never recorded a number less than 99, which indicates that the processing equipment and salt production is up to date and all hygienic points are observed.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Industrial salt factory in Iran daily price, industrial salt supplier, export industrial salt to Iraq, Russia, India in 25 kg bag.

Sale of the latest industrial salt for daily production, powdered salt, sugar salt, pea and fishery salt, oyster salt with 25 and 40 kg packaging, major industrial salt production, for information on the daily price of industrial salt, call, minimum order 10 tons.

The sale of the latest industrial salt is experiencing an increasing trend, considering the price of industrial salt, which has been set fairly and balanced by reputable units. This salt is considered by many industries as one of the main and most important raw materials in the production of required materials, which of course is possible by referring to active centers in terms of the Internet in a great way.

industrial salt

Industrial salt production

One of the minerals available in the market is salt, the constituents of which are not complex substances. Sodium as the main substance and chlorine are two important and valuable substances in this regard. In fact, its scientific name is sodium chloride, which is available in different types in the market.
One of the most important of these is industrial salt. An important feature of this material is its lower purity, which is at a lower level compared to table salt.

To better understand the purity of industrial salt, we can say that if we know this number in edible salt more than 99 percent or more precisely 2.99 percent, in industrial salt, which of course is not used orally, it falls below 95 percent. .
This salt is not iodized and, as its name suggests, is used in industrial applications. The reason for the difference between food and industrial samples is the passage of food samples through the stages of purification and refining, which will lead to its health, and in this case, eating it will not poison our body. A stage that is not passed in industrial salt and as a result eating it is dangerous to health.
Instead, its applications can be seen in the industries of detergent or hygiene products, water and wastewater, acid production, tanning industry, etc.

industrial salt

Industrial salt prices



Export of Garmsar industrial salts

Our country Iran has many mineral resources for the production and preparation of salt. As a result, it can be boldly classified as one of the top countries in this field.

industrial salt

Halito rock salt group, in some parts of our country, launches its activities with the aim of producing quality and appropriate salt, and to achieve this goal, offers efforts in this direction.
Utilizing the up-to-date knowledge and expertise of people who are experts in this field and have years of experience, Namak Industrial Company has been able to introduce its name as a top supplier in this sector and the satisfaction of many industries and jobs in its record of success.

Source: Halito rock salt Group