
Iodized edible salt in a package of 25 kg and 500 g, Iodized Salt price per kilo, Iodized Salt price philippines 2022, Iodized Salt wholesale, Table Salt price, Table Salt supplier.

Recrystallized salt in a package of 25 kg and 500 g, crystallized refined mountain salt, at a very reasonable price, contact the Garmsar Refined Salt Factory for purchase.

What is Iodized edible salt?

Salt has always been known as one of the most important condiments, especially for us Iranians. As you know, there are different types of salt in nature. But the best and healthiest is mineral salt. In recent years, various operations have been performed on salts in order to minimize the amount of harmful substances in it. One of its types is recrystallization salt.

If rock salt is introduced into soluble pools and then transferred to centrifuges and repeated the same operation again, a clear salt with a high purity is obtained, which is called recrystallization salt. These salts are in the group of refined salts and therefore its use is recommended.

Iodized edible salt

How to produce hydromyl salt

As mentioned, today, in addition to recrystallized salt, there are other types of salts that are prepared in different ways. One of them is hydromyl salt. This method is also known as washing method. In this method, at the beginning of the work, they start washing the surface of the salt and then they put it in a device called hydromel. In this device, salts are exposed to high pressure water to release impurities.

In the next step, salt is added to centrifuges or thinners to remove impurities. The purity of the salts prepared in this way is about 99%.

Iodized edible salt

Salt exports to Iraq

Iran is one of the countries that has been recognized as a salt exporter in the region due to its numerous sources of salt. Iraq, as a neighboring country, is one of the countries to which the largest volume of refined salt is exported to Iran. The amount of recrystallization salt exports to this country is more than other salts. The reason for this can be the lack of necessary facilities in this country for salt refining.

If we want to talk about the main and effective factors in the export of salt to Iraq, we can mention the following:

  • Currency fluctuations and dinar supremacy
  • High quality Iranian salt
  • Lack of salt resources in Iraq

Iodized edible salt

For Iraq, iodized salt with iodine 60 is also in great demand, and we can easily deliver refined table salt with iodine 60 ppm.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Manufacturer of iodized edible salt in Iran, table salt, edible salt factory in Iran, capacity monthly 600 tons in 25 kg bag.

Production of iodized table salt for export, pure table salt with a purity of 99.4%, production of table salt by double refining recrystallization method, possibility of spraying iodine 40 and 60 ppm at customer demand, export of salt to Iraq.

The production of table salt has been of great importance to people for thousands of years because it had both excellent healing properties for pain relief and disinfection, as well as a very delicious and hearty taste of food. For this reason, there were even many wars over tribes and nations over salt.

In the past, due to the lack of facilities, salt extracted from the sea or mines were eaten without refining, and after adding iodine to it, it was put in the market in bags, which was an unsanitary method and approved by health standards. There was no, but with the passage of time and the development of industrial devices, the possibility of refining NaCl became widespread and many salt refining and salt processing plants were established.

iodized edible salt

Mechanized salt purification steps

First they grind the rock salt; Instead, they can use evaporated salt directly, then dissolve the salt in pure water to make a saturated solution.

In the second step, chemicals are added to the solution to precipitate and separate calcium and magnesium.

In the third stage, the solution is passed through sand filters to separate fine particles up to 30 microns.

In the fourth step, the solution is evaporated to form salt crystals; This is done by centrifuges.

The salt crystals are then washed and iodine is added.

They are then dried by using heat and transferring salt to silos.

Finally, the salts are packaged by automatic machines and sent to the market for consumption.

iodized edible salt

Production of crystalline table salt

As we mentioned, salt, like other foods, has its own standards. There are many cities in Iran that have salt processing factories, such as Urmia, Shiraz, Isfahan, Yazd, Semnan, etc.

Like any other commodity, there is a counterfeit brand in salts. There are some profiteers who dust and granulate the salt and send it to the market in stylish packaging, while these salts do not have the desired standard and are not hygienic. And it can cause problems and illness for consumers, so care must be taken when buying table salt.

Iodized edible salt supplier

Due to their high purity and quality, Iranian recrystallized salts are exported to countries such as Iraq and Azerbaijan, and generate good profits for its exporters. Among the salts of Iran, the salt rock of Garmsar city is famous for its properties and is even known in the world.

iodized edible salt

What is the best salt to consume?

It is the highest quality and most suitable salt for consumption that is not bitter, does not sting the throat and is transparent, is white and has no contaminants, and no animal is dead or has no fossils in it.

In Iranian medical books, the best salt is mountain salt and the worst salt is sea salt.

The salts of Urmia and Qom lakes, which are very famous in Iran, are good salts and their quality is higher than sea salt, but mountain salt is still more desirable than that. Because animals that die at sea turn to salt. The salt in a lake that contains the element iodine is better than other lakes.

Source: Halito rock salt Group