
Sales center of the best blue rock salt in Iran, Persian blue salt price, blue rock salt, Persian blue salt wholesale, Persian blue salt rocks, Persian Blue salt for UK.

High quality Garmsar blue salt distribution centers, properties of Garmsar blue salt for calming the nerves, price of Garmsar blue salt, sale of Semnan blue salt, blue salt mines in Iran located in Semnan Garmsar, exporter of blue salt rock to all parts of the world.

Garmsar blue salt is one of the best salts that we can see in the market. High quality Garmsar blue salt distribution centers can deliver the products to you in bulk or in bulk, in which case the purchase conditions will be completely different from the conditions in which you want to supply the products normally. In these centers, all people try their best to be able to market the products that people like.

blue rock salt

The amount of potassium in Iran blue salt

The amount of potassium in the water salts in Garmsar is quite high and can not endanger a person’s life with proper and normal consumption. Keep in mind that the more salt you have, the more sodium and potassium will enter your body.

It is best to talk to your doctor about this position before taking it and see exactly how much it determines for you. If you consume it properly, you will not harm yourself, which is a very important issue and can protect your health as well as not harming you.

blue rock salt

Sale price of blue rock salt in Iran

The selling price of Garmsar blue salt in the market changes at different times and is not stable. This in itself causes people to be a little confused when buying which center can offer the best product at the best price.



The higher the number of products, the higher the price, which is significant. Usually, people who are entrepreneurs in this field and these issues are vital for them, should pay more attention to the fact that this is a very important issue and a shortcoming in it can cause many problems that we even expect. We do not have either. All of these issues will be resolved with a little research before buying.

blue rock salt

High-quality blue salt is exported to other countries in addition to successful domestic sales, which shows that people can invest in this issue. The quality of this product can be profitable for many people and bring a lot of people to an income that they do not expect at all. Garmsar salt distribution should be done only from their main centers so that people do not get confused in shopping and everything is exactly as they have planned.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Persian blue salt wholesale and export from Iran, persian blue salt benefits, persian blue salt wholesale, persian blue salt price, persian blue salt grade a, export blue salt to australia.

Sale and export of crystal Garmsar blue salt, a very rare type of blue salt that belongs to Garmsar is rarely found, to buy this precious product all year round, you can contact Halito salt rock collection.

Garmsar blue salt is one of the best edible salts in the world and is considered as a crystal blue salt. This table salt has minerals and as a result has many properties and therefore is one of the main needs of different communities that can be exported to different countries with proper planning.

Persian blue salt

What is Persian blue salt ?

Garmsar blue salt is a type of crystalline blue salt. Crystal blue salt is actually the same as table salt and is known as blue crystal salt because of its blue crystals. This type of salt is limited in different parts of the world, but its natural type is found only in Iran and Garmsar region.



Garmsar blue crystal salt has completely natural blue crystals, while in some parts of the world, profiteers sell crystal grains by dyeing them as blue crystal salt. However, the original salt crystals have blue streaks inside.

Persian blue salt

Properties of Iran blue salt

Garmsar blue salt is an edible salt that can be used in various foods to meet the body’s need for some vitamins and substances. The main reason this product is blue is the presence of a substance called silvinite, which is a potassium substance, and one of the ways to determine the authenticity of blue salt.

The most important ingredients of this crystalline rock salt, such as zinc, potassium, iron and calcium, which give this product several properties, including regulating blood pressure and body balance, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. , Helping the health of the digestive system and digestion, strengthening the nerves and immune system, relieving stress, relieving muscle spasms, treating some respiratory problems and helping with oral health.

Persian blue salt

Garmsar blue rock salt export

Garmsar blue salt is a product that is one of the main needs of the human body due to its excellent properties and various applications, and for this reason, it is needed in many countries of the world.

In exporting this product, knowing the target market and planning in this regard is very important, and in the meantime, knowing other competitors is also very important. Halito salt rock collection can export and deliver blue salt rock to all parts of the world. For this purpose, just contact us and register your purchase request, then the product will be delivered to you in the destination country.

Source: Halito rock salt  company

Blue salt persian distributer, persian blue salt price, persian blue salt wholesale, purchase blue salt directly from biggest blue rock salt supplier in Iran.

Blue salt distribution center, Garmsar crystal blue salt, very rare product, possibility of exporting to all parts of the world, Semnan blue salt with very reasonable price and possibility of monthly delivery.

The sales and distribution center of blue salt, using the knowledge of experts, after extraction and refining processes, with high quality and very reasonable prices in hygienic packaging and various to the target markets. So that major buyers in all industries can easily buy this product. The distribution center provides blue salt with the highest degree of purity in a completely direct and absent manner.

Blue salt persian

Familiarity with the best type of blue salt

Blue salt, also known as Iranian blue salt, is one of the types of salts found in nature that has blue crystals. The following are the characteristics of the best type of this salt so that we can better understand it:

The smaller the size of the crystals in the blue salt, the higher the quality. This product has a very high value because it is found in nature in a completely natural way and in limited mines.

The best type of this product has a lot of potassium, which plays a very important role in cardiovascular health, also the purity of blue salt is very high and is rich in various minerals such as magnesium, calcium and sodium.

This product is one of the very high quality and rare samples of salt in the country that is extracted from Garmsar mines and due to its high purity and many properties, it has a higher price than other colorless salts.

The best type of this salt is completely natural and pure and is used in various industries such as cooking and pharmaceutical industry, also this salt has a very good market.

Blue salt persian

Purchase blue salt persian directly

Due to the abundant use of blue salt and having many customers, buying blue salt directly and mainly from distribution centers, will help buyers achieve the best type of this product.

Major buyers by purchasing this type of salt directly and in person from producers and distribution centers can see a lot of time and cost savings and achieve high quality blue salt.

Blue salt persian

Absolute purchase of blue salt from distribution centers makes the preparation of this product much easier and major buyers get the best quality of this salt with the best price and in bulk.

This center is one of the main and reputable centers for direct distribution and export of blue salt, which offers this product online in markets across the country and around the world.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Export iran blue rock salt delivered to the destination country, very rare crystal blue salt rock of Iran, for information on the purchase price of exported blue salt rock.

Familiarity with the iran blue rock salt

Semnan and Garmsar blue saltstones are among the rarest types of rock salt in the world, but unfortunately they are better known in other countries than Iran!

Blue saltstones are very popular in European countries and are exported to those countries.

The main use of blue salt in Iran is for food consumption and due to the large amount of potassium in it, its color has changed to blue.

Blue salt rock is known abroad in various names, such as blue salt, blue salt of Iran, blue salt rock, blue salt rock of Semnan.

iran blue rock salt

Benefits of Iranian blue salt

It has been said that blue rock salt is very rich in potassium and is considered a stress reliever, and in countries, especially in Europe, it is known as a natural treasure.

Of course, the medicinal properties of blue saltstone do not stop the food and edible use of this product, but to make the food menu of each restaurant more colorful, serving food with blue salt will give double value to the restaurant menu!

Here are some important properties of blue salt rock:

  • It has anti-stress properties.
  • It regulates sleep.
  • Helps digest food.
  • Regulates blood pressure
  • Heart rate regulator

However, this rock salt should be consumed in the right amount and should not be consumed in excess.

iran blue rock salt

Wholesale persian blue salt

Semnan and Garmsar blue salt rocks are extracted from the mines of Semnan province and as it was said, due to the lack of familiarity in the domestic market, most of this product is usually exported.

Blue salt rock has two types of sugar and crystal, the sugar type of which is not very expensive and on the other hand does not have a high nutritional value.

Crystal blue saltstone is very limited and rare, and most of it is always supplied by the Halito Salt Collection.

iran blue rock salt

Export blue rock salt

Due to the fact that Europeans are more familiar with Iran’s blue salt rock and the desire to buy this product, it is possible to export and supply blue salt in the form of FOB or at the border or in the destination country.



iran blue rock salt

The packages intended for this product are of the type of 15 kg packs, which will make it very easy to carry.

Contact us for more information on how to export blue rock salt.

Source: Halito rock salt group