
The largest center of purchase and export of blue salt in Iran, Blue salt Iran, Natural blue salt, Blue salt for cooking, supplier of blue salt monthly 40 tons.

The largest center for the sale and export of Semnan blue salt, sugar blue sugar, monthly supply of 5 tons, Semnan granulated pink salt, Garmsar crystal blue rock salt.

Semnan blue salt, due to its amazing quality and special properties, is welcomed by a large range of customers today and many applicants want to buy it. If you are one of these customers and you need Semnan blue salt in high quality and reasonable price, you can contact us without wasting time.

Where is the blue salt mine?

You may think that blue salt can be extracted in certain places, and this is not a misconception, but in fact, different parts of the country use water salt resources. But some areas have a larger share of blue salt mines in the distant past due to various issues, including the presence of certain elements and special climatic conditions. Semnan blue salt mine is also one of the centers and situations that has a high volume of this salt with suitable purity.

Of course, it should be emphasized that the Semnan blue salt mine has not only provided this type of product to producers, but also its products have special properties and characteristics that have distinguished the products of this very valuable resource. For example, the appearance of Semnan blue salt is not crystalline and has the appearance of sugar.

blue salt

Properties of blue salt

To understand the properties of Semnan blue salt or any other type of blue salt, one must ask why this type of salt has turned blue? In principle, this color created in the blue salt of Semnan, which makes it different from other types of salts, is due to the presence of potassium in its structure.

In this type of salt, due to various geological reasons, potassium elements have entered the sources and this potassium impurity has caused this color. Of course, the use of the word impurity is just a term and the presence of potassium in Semnan blue salt has become a strength and advantage for it. So that it is useful in various fields and applications such as regulating blood pressure, preventing neuromuscular disorders, maintaining the health of the respiratory system, facilitating digestion or balancing minerals in the body, and has various benefits.

blue salt

Export of Semnan blue salt

Not only for the purchase of Iranian customers and domestic consumption, but also for the export of Semnan blue salt, this collection has considered the necessary arrangements. While cooperating with foreign customers and meeting their needs, we are ready to be with you in business matters related to the export of Semnan blue salt, with the desired volume and the highest possible quality.

blue salt

You can contact us directly for more information.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Purchase of Iran blue salt in bulk and in retail, Persian blue salt for sale, Iran blue crystal rock salt, blue salt monthly capacity 3 tons.

Garmsar blue salt is sold in bulk and in retail, blue salt stone is sent in 1 kg packages, blue salt stone is offered in two very colorful collectible and edible colors.

Garmsar blue salt is one of the most beautiful and rare types of rock salt that is found in Garmsar salt rock mine and is used for various purposes. In general, rock salts come in different colors due to the presence of different mineral elements in them.

For example, due to the presence of iron in salt rock, this type of mineral turns red. Now, if the mineral potassium is present in large amounts in rock salt, the rock rock will change color to blue.

The blue color of the rock salt will create a unique beauty in the rock rock that will dazzle the eyes of every human being. Garmsar blue salt is used in many cases, and the use of this type of stone for decorative works and salt statues is one of the most important applications of this type of rock salt.

In this article, we will try to acquaint you with Garmsar blue salt rock and explain it to you dear ones. Stay with us.

Iran blue salt

Familiarity with the properties of Iran blue salt

As we said at the beginning of this article, blue salt is one of the most beautiful types of rock salt, which with its dazzling blue color, has many fans around the world. Of course, this type of rock salt is more rare than other types of rock rock and can only be found in some rock salt mines.

Garmsar salt rock mine is one of the mines where this type of salt rock is found and extracted. This type of rock salt is used in many cases, including in the decorative industry.

Iran blue salt

Minerals in blue salt

In blue salt, in addition to the elements sodium and chlorine, which are the constituents of salt, there are elements such as potassium that change the color of rock salt to blue.

Global Iran Blue Salt Market

Due to the fact that blue salt is one of the rarest types of rock salt, so its price is higher than other types of rock rock. Therefore, considering that this type of salt rock is present in Garmsar rock salt mine, so the extraction and sale of this type of salt rock for Iran in the world market of this type of salt rock has a very good exchange rate.

Iran blue salt

Halito rock salt group will send Garmsar blue salt to its buyers anywhere in the world.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Wholesale and retail of Semnan blue salt, Persian blue salt wholesale, Persian blue salt price, Where to buy Persian blue salt.

Wholesale and retail of Semnan blue salt, Persian Blue salt, the possibility of monthly supply of Semnan blue salt between 2 to 5 tons, 25 kg package, retail sale of at least 2 kg, shipping throughout the country.

Wholesale Semnan blue rock salt

Semnan blue salt rock is a kind of blue salt rock that is extracted only in the mountains around Semnan city, Garmsar city. This rock salt is blue because it is rich in the mineral potassium.

Blue salt is extracted only in Iran and is mainly sold by various centers. Halito complex is one of the top centers for selling blue salt rock. Tests and analyzes performed in the laboratory on the blue salt rock presented in this collection, show a purity of sodium chloride above 99% in this rock rock.

blue salt

Properties of Semnan blue salt

Semnan blue salt, also known as Persian blue salt, has extensive properties that most people in our country are unaware of. But blue salt is widely used by foreign countries, especially European countries, as a flavoring for seafood. Semnan matte blue salt contains potassium, iron, zinc and calcium and has many benefits for the human body.

Semnan blue salt rock because it is rich in potassium, helps to control blood pressure. Lack of potassium in the body causes high blood pressure. Semnan matte blue salt is very useful for the vascular system and maintains blood pressure at normal levels. Another property of this salt is reducing the risk of stroke.

Consumption of this rare salt reduces muscle cramps. Muscle cramps are one of the side effects of low potassium in the body. Blue salt, as a rich source of potassium, can compensate for this deficiency.

Blue salt rock is very useful for the nervous system and is joyful and energizing. Semnan matte blue salt reduces anger and helps to treat depression significantly. Blue salt has strong anti-stress properties.

blue salt

Properties of blue rock salt

Blue crystal salt is actually the same as table salt, which has changed its color due to the presence of some substances such as silhouette, iron and potassium, and its color is completely natural. Large salt crystals have blue streaks in them, in fact these crystals are not completely blue, they are transparent and there are blue lines in them.

blue salt

Blue rock salt , if crushed and pulverized, are fine-grained salts with a white to light blue matte color spectrum. Semnan blue salt rock, especially its crystal model is also used in home decoration and in many countries, it is used as a wound eye.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Sales and distribution center of Iranian blue salt powder, Iran blue rock salt, persian blue salt wholesale, biggest supplier of blue salt in Iran.

Sales and distribution center of Iranian blue salt powder, wholesale in 25 kg bags, blue crystal salt, monthly supply and export to all parts of the world, wholesale and retail of Semnan blue salt, Garmsar blue salt crystal.

One of the best types of salts and rock salts is blue rock salt, which has a unique beauty, and in many cases, this type of rock salt is used. One of the best types of blue salts is Iranian blue salt, which due to its therapeutic properties as well as its many decorative uses, has many fans in different countries of the world and therefore has a high price.

The amount of this type of rock salt in the world is very small and only in some salt ore mines this type of salt can be found. In Garmsar mine, different types of salts can be found, of which blue salt is one of these salts.

blue salt powder

Where is the blue salt mine?

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, the amount of blue salt on the surface of the earth is very small. In Iran, Garmsar rock salt mine is one of the largest salt mines in Iran and the world, which has quality Iranian blue salt. Blue salt has a high amount of potassium, which can be used in the treatment of many diseases such as hypertension.

blue salt powder

How to consume blue salt

Blue salt is used in many different cases. One of the most important uses of this type of salt is to treat depression. Also, due to the unique beauty of this type of rock salt, its hand-picked and colorful type is very attractive for collectors.

Due to the fact that blue salt is rich in potassium, the potassium stored in it can be used to treat many diseases. Potassium is one of the elements needed by the human body that if its amount is reduced in the body, various diseases such as hypertension may occur to a person.

blue salt powder

Export of Iranian blue salt powder

Due to the fact that the amount of blue salt in the world is very small, so its price is higher than other types of rock salt. Iranian blue salt, which is extracted from salt rock mines in Garmsar and Semnan, is exported to different countries of the world, including European countries, and brings a very good currency for Iran.

Halito rock salt collection has the ability to deliver blue salt rock to customers around the world.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Supplier and distributor of blue salt in Iran, Blue rock salt, Persian blue salt block, Blue Crystal Salt, Blue persian salt price.

Supplier and distributor of blue mineral salt in Iran, Garmsar blue crystal salt, blue salt, purchase of Semnan sugar rock blue rock salt, the possibility of monthly supply and export to all over the world.

 What is blue salt?

We all have the idea that the color of salt is white. But it might be interesting to know that there are other types of salts that are blue in color and are called blue mineral salts.

Blue salt is the same as table salt or table salt, the blue color of which is due to the presence of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and silhouette. Of course, atmospheric conditions as well as pressure and humidity are among the other factors that have changed the color of this type of salt. Garmsar city can be introduced as one of the important centers for the production of this type of salt around the world.

blue salt

How to consume blue salt

Usually one of the questions that arises for people regarding water mineral salt is how it is consumed and in what cases it can be used?

In answer to this question, it should be said: this type of salt can be ground and used in cooking. The use of this salt is recommended because it regulates heart rate and blood pressure, and on the other hand can be useful in controlling stress and anxiety.

blue salt

Blue salt export center

As mentioned, the city of Garmsar is one of the most important centers for the production of mineral water salt around the world. That is why it is exported from Iran to other countries. Today, various countries, especially European countries, due to the unique properties of this type of salt, have become customers of its propolis tablets. It can be said that today about 90% of Iran’s products in the water salt sector belong to the export sector, which has led to various centers to operate in this field.

blue salt

The reason for this volume of export of blue mineral salt can be introduced as its high price. In fact, due to the limited number of mines of this type of salt around the world, the price of this salt is very high and that is why its consumption is very limited inside Iran. On the other hand, most people in Iran are not aware of the unique properties and characteristics of this type of salt and therefore do not want to buy it, while blue salt can be used as a treatment for many diseases. Introduced.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Blue salt supplier and wholesaler in Iran, Blue salt for sale, Blue salt cooking, Blue salt Iran, Persian blue salt rocks, we can send blue rock salt to all over of world, min order is 100 kg.

Semnan and Garmsar blue salt sales market, export of blue salt rock to all over the world, the largest supplier of blue salt in Iran, contact us to deliver blue salt rock anywhere in the world.

Blue salt

Properties of Garmsar blue salt

Garmsar blue salt, which is known as Persian blue salt among the people of Europe; Sold under the name of Blue Gem. This salt is very rare and can be found only in Garmsar salt mine with special quality. This salt is also present in Semnan salt mines, but it is very different from Garmsar salt in terms of quality.

Rare blue salt has a crystalline and crystalline structure, while other blue salts are not crystalline and have a sugar-like structure.



Blue rock salts belong to 100 million years ago and were formed by the evaporation of lakes in the Arguroz Mountains.

This salt reduces the acidity of food and reduces the coldness of food.

The presence of potassium in this salt has made it useful for muscle fatigue and cramps; For this reason, people who suffer from muscle spasms are advised to use a mixture of this salt with a little oil to massage their muscles.

Adding this salt to sauces and salads reduces the risk of stroke.

Because sodium and potassium pumps play an important role in sending neural messages; Consumption of this salt can help balance electrolytes and improve the function of the body’s nervous system.

Blue salt

Sale of Semnan blue salt

Blue salt is found in Semnan and Garmsar; But in terms of quality, Garmsar blue salt is in a higher degree than Semnan blue salt; However, people think that the blue salt of Semnan and Garmsar are not different from each other. Because Garmsar is one of the functions of Semnan, sometimes Garmsar blue salt is sold as the rare blue salt of Semnan.

Garmsar rare blue salt is one of the most expensive salts, so that the price of a few kilos of this salt is equal to the price of a few tons of ordinary salts; Therefore, this salt is mostly exported to European countries and a small amount of it reaches its compatriots.

Blue salt

Export of Iranian blue salt

Due to its geographical location, Iran has mines rich in rare minerals. Iran’s scarce blue salt is mainly exported to European countries, including Italy, but unfortunately, due to incorrect export policies, Iran’s rare blue salt is imported to other countries in the name of other countries, such as Poland or Turkey. Information about Iran’s blue salt rock and salt branding can make Iran’s name more famous.

Halito rock salt company is the largest supplier and exporter of blue salt rock in Iran.

Source: Halito rock salt company

persian blue salt supplier from iran, Providing 3 tons of persian blue salt per year, export and delivery to destination.

Types of rock salt colors

Did you know there is a blue salt rock? Do you know the benefits and benefits of blue salt rock and its uses?
rock salt is often mined from mountain and rock salt can be of different types depending on which region and in which mine.
Different colors include rock salt, black, pink, blue, white and even yellow. Due to the presence of organic and minerals in the structure of each salt, its color is different.

persian blue salt supplier

Here we will be discussing the introduction of blue salt rock, its properties and benefits as well as discussing the uses of this type of rock salt.

What is Blue Rock salt?

Blue salt is one of the rare salts in the world which is very expensive because of its rarity.
It is interesting to know that the source of the extraction of blue salt is Iran, and this type of salt rock, which has both stunning beauty and healing properties, cannot be found elsewhere. For this reason, Iran is the only producer and exporter of blue salt in the world.

persian blue salt supplier

Normally, the salt rock is mostly white, but in some cases, due to the large amount of one of the minerals in the rock, its color tends to be the same.

Himalayan salt, for example, has a lot of iron, so its color tends to be blue, and blue salt has a lot of potassium, so its color tends to be blue.

persian blue salt supplier

This has made it a rare blue rock salt and enthusiasts of this type of rock salt can pay high prices for it.

Benefits of blue rock salt

Due to the salt properties of the blue rock salt, it is high in potassium. Potassium plays a vital role in vitality, health and stress reduction.

Unfortunately, blue salt is not known in Iran, but it is well known and widely used in European and American countries.

persian blue salt supplier

In most European countries this type of salt is used as a food flavor in most restaurants. Blue salt is a well-known salt in Europe and has a high price.

Persian blue salt can be used for a variety of cases, most of which are curative:

  • Blood pressure treatment
  • Relieve fatigue and feel happy
  • Reduce depression

The most important uses of this salt is very rare.

persian blue salt supplier

Persian blue salt grade A

To produce Iranian blue salt, we need to use blue salt rock which, after crushing and meshing, produces blue salt.
But blue salts have different grades that fall into two categories:

  • Blue rock salt Grade A
  • Blue rock salt Grade B

Grade B salt is inexpensive but has very little properties and is of little nutritional value as you can see in the picture below.

persian blue salt supplier

Grade A salt is more expensive but has many nutritional and therapeutic properties and the main Persian blue salt is Grade A salt. It is also worth noting that A grade is very rare.

persian blue salt supplier

Persian blue salt lamp

Since Halito is the largest manufacturer of ornamental salt, Halito is often asked why you do not produce blue salt lights from blue salt!
The answer is for two reasons:

  1. Blue salt is very expensive and the production of blue salt lights is not affordable
  2. Blue salt rock fragments are usually very small and not large enough to produce salt lamps

According to the explanation given, you should note that all the blue salt lamps you see are actually colored rock salt as in the example below.

persian blue salt supplier

blue salt is edible?

Until 80 years ago, all the people of the world knew that one of their salt sources was rock salt and that salt was easily crushed and used after washing.
But for nearly five decades, the Ministry of Health has banned salt in many countries and recognized only refined salt as food.
On the other hand, many traditional medicine experts believe that refined salts destroy all the minerals in the salt by the process they produce, and what remains is the only sodium that can cause great harm to the body.

persian blue salt supplier



By definition, no rock salt is edible but not used in practice and rock salt is used as a major source of salt worldwide because many believe that unprocessed salt has much more properties But we recommend that you do moderation even when consuming the best salt.

Why the rock salt turns blue?

In general, natural rock salt in mines is usually colorless, and we see this through crystalline salts, the purest salt in nature.

Crystal clear salts that have been dried out of lakes for millions of years are completely colorless and glassy, but in some salt mines they have other minerals within them that change the color of the salts.

persian blue salt supplier

For example, the high-grade halito company white rock salt that contains the highest sodium and the lowest impurities is completely white and uniform, as well as the red and orange salts that are containing amounts of iron.

Blue rock salt is no exception, and due to its potassium minerality, its color has changed to blue and it looks like.



This rock salt contains a lot of potassium, as you can see in the picture below.

And you should know that the presence of such salt at this concentration of potassium is a natural surprise and is nowhere to be found and the main buyer of concentrated blue rock salt is collectors of rare rocks.

persian blue salt supplier

Persian blue salt price

persian blue salt supplier


Persian blue salt supplier

Halito rock salt company is the largest supplier of blue salt in Iran, which always has the largest amount of blue rock salt.

persian blue salt supplier

Halito Blue Salt In addition to high quality, it has many customers in Europe. Contact us for more information and to buy Blue rock Salt.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Persian blue rock salt wholesale and export from iran, Halito rock salt company the largest supplier of blue salt in Iran.

What is blue rock salt?

The edible items are of various kinds in the whole world which are naturally seen in the markets as well.

We all can see the wide presence of the items like the natural ones in the trade of the whole world too, which all hold high value in our lives.

There is a long list of natural items are in the markets of the world and among them all salt is the quite well known item.

blue rock salt

This has various types and the kind of slat which purely belongs to Iran is Persian blue salt, This salt is seen in the trade of Iran highly, which is extraordinary famous.



The value of the natural things around us, is seen from the purposes of them like where we use the items. All the natural things are highly being used in the world , which are of great value and people are highly using the natural items too.

We all can see kinds of natural items around us and salt is the very important among them all.

blue rock salt

This natural item is of various kinds and blue salt is the quite well famous type. This salt is seen in the forms of rocks too like Persian blue rock salt and this form is famous in the trade of the world too.

Prominence of blue salt

We can see the variety of salt around us, in the markets. The value of the things that we see in the markets of the world is due to the trade. All the natural items including salt is widely exported in the world. If we talk about Persian salt, we will see a very exquisite sensation of the item.

It is a very useful kind of salt in the whole world.

blue rock salt

Types of salts

We all can see that markets are widely selling the edible items like salt in the world. The kinds of salt are clearly seen in the markets of the world, which are of great value too. Some kinds like blue salt, rock salt, edible salt and others are quite well famous in the trade too.

Furthermore, the Persian salt is of high value in the whole world and people are desired to use this exquisite and tasty salt rarely, as it is comparatively expensive.

blue rock salt

Imports of Persian salt

It has seen that there are various regions of the world which are selling the kinds of salts via trade to other regions and Iran is the well-popular region among them. This region sells blue salt, which is quite expensive as well.

blue rock salt

Additionally, the imports of the salt like Persian salt have always been high in the markets, which we all can see around us as well , increasing every year.

The market of blue rock salt

Trade is widely selling the types of salt that are of great value across the globe.

We all can see the prices of salts vary from kind to kind. The price of blue salt has always been high in the markets of all the regions of the world.

Contact us for directly buy of blue rock salt from Semnan mine.

blue rock salt

Uses of blue rock salt

The wide presence of the natural items like salt around us , is actually good for our healthy life style.

We need the various kinds of natural items for the life that we always want to have.

The lives of people vary like the way of living and so the usage of natural items varies as well. Salt is used in various ways in the whole world and the kind like Blue rock salt is famous of them all.

blue rock salt

Trade of Persian blue salt

The home ground of the types of salt varies in the whole world like some salt are linked with Pakistan only or some are found out in Iran only. If we talk about Persian salt, we will see that this is only seen in Iran and extracted from under water.

Furthermore, it has seen that the trade of Persian blue salt is high always and people are in love with the look of the salt as well as using it.

blue rock salt

Rates of Persian salt in markets

The selling of the salt like Persian salt is high everywhere in the world. We can see the selling of the item at different rates in the markets of the various regions of the world. People are okay with spending the high amount of money on the salt too.

Export blue salt edible

The wide supply of the components of the natural beauty of the world is great and people are in love with the various natural items too, as the things are very good for our health. All the natural things hold benefits for internal and external body.

blue rock salt

We can see a long list of the items that are natural and are used widely in the world. Among the items, we can see Persian salt too which is the high famous beautiful natural item in the whole world. The supply of this kind of salt is high from Iran, as the demand rates are high.

Blue salt supply worldwide

One can see the natural items like salt, widely in use in the world which are of high value and people are strongly indulged with the item too. The usage of salt is wide and vast and we all need it too, in our daily lives. The kinds of salts are vast and blue salt which is known as Persian salt too, is popular highly in the world.

blue rock salt

Persian blue salt wholesale

The blue salt, is the very well important salt of the world , which is of great value in the whole world. The price of this salt is high like always, as it is deep from the seas extracted.

blue rock salt

Mostly Persian salt is white and red and orange in color and blue one is very rare.

Source: Halito rock salt company