
Major manufacturer of Persian salt lamp in cheap price, decor rock salt, salt candle holder, salt bricks, grill salt block, cube rock salt for animal.

Major manufacturer of cheap decorative salt rock, Garmsar decorative salt rock, unlit and illuminated rock salt with and without label will be sent according to the order, for information about the wholesale price of decorative salt rock.

Manufacturer of rock salt lamps

Today, the use of decorative rock salt has increased dramatically, which can be attributed to the presence of positive energies in it. When sunlight shines on the salt rock crystals, it can be very effective in repelling the negative energies of the surrounding environment and create a kind of calm in the environment.

This phenomenon is due to a process called ionization in rock salt. Colored rock salt is usually used to produce this type of rock salt. So if you need a device to ventilate your home or workplace, you can use rock salt.



In our country, due to the existence of numerous sources of rock salt, the production of these lights is easy and Iran can be introduced as one of the producers of this type of products, which in many cases we even see the export of these products to other countries.

Persian salt lamp

Wholesale Globe salt lamp

If you have been to decorative salt rock stores, you must have come across balls that show up in different sizes and designs. Usually, the rock salt required for the production of such items is provided to the buyers in bulk, and the buyers, by making changes on it, produce various decorative items, including the salt rock ball, which these products can be produced in bulk or Retail. Of course, it is natural that the sale of these products in bulk will have a lower price and therefore will be more affordable for buyers.

Persian salt lamp

Persian salt lamp supplier

Another type of decorative rock salt is verse salt rock. Famous suras and verses are usually written on this type of rock salt, which the use of these verses is effective in repelling the negative energies of the environment and has a double effect on establishing a sense of calm in the environment.

Persian salt lamp

For example, usually 4 Qul, Van Yakad and the verse of Al-Kursi are written on this type of rock salt. Usually, these verses have anti-eye and anti-magic properties, and usually reading them causes evil to be avoided. Therefore, their engraving on rock salt can be effective in creating an environment with a positive atmosphere.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Persian salt lamp wholesale Iran, Electric salt lamp, salt candle holder, salt bricks for salt room 10*20*5 cm, grill salt block 20*30*5 cm.

Buy Tabriz decorative salt stone, bedside lamp, wooden base salt stone, various models of spheres, bowls, polyhedral, rocky and pyramid with the most beautiful and accurate type of cutting, therapeutic salt stone, for bulk and single purchase of Garmsar decorative salt stone in Tabriz Call.

How to produce salt lamp

Decorative rock salt of Tabriz is one of the famous types of rock salt that has been considered in the market due to its variety and high quality. How to make decorative rock salt is different from other salts. Since this salt is not consumed for health and food, it does not show any steps such as iodizing, applying anti-cake ingredients and a lot of refining.

Extraction of salt from salt mines and mountains with advanced equipment and tools, washing salt and cutting it with special tools in any way is one of the main steps in the production of decorative rock salt. Creativity and elegance in the production of rock salt can lead to more success of producers and more marketing of the product.

Persian salt lamp

Where should we put salt rock in the house?

Those who arrange their decorations with principles such as feng shui and energy therapy ask a lot of questions about the best place for their decorations. Placing some components of interior decoration such as flowers, salt stones, jewelry and healing stones and waterfront is more sensitive than other decorations.

Because decorative rock stones, especially rock stones that also play the role of bedside lamps, reading lamps, candle holders, etc., emit light; They have a lot of energy and eliminate the negative energies of the environment. It is better to put them in the right place. The bathroom, behind the windows, above the bed, near the electronics and the bedroom toilet table can be the best place for these rock salts. Placing rock salt in these environments reduces stress and anxiety, increases inner peace, cleanses the environment of dust, allergens and toxins.

Feng Shui principles believe that the north and northeast, the center of the house and the south and southwest can be the best place for decorative rock salt.

Tabriz decorative salt stone has been designed and produced in different types with different applications to be suitable for placement in different parts of the house.

Persian salt lamp

Persian salt lamp wholesale

Tabriz decorative salt stone is offered in reputable stores all over the country and it is possible for all people to buy it online. Tabriz decorative salt stone is available in different colors of red, white, pink, brown and cream, and the difference in the constituent mineral has caused this color variety.

Persian salt lamp

The price of these rock salts is determined according to the type of rock salt, percentage of purity, color of the stone, type of cutting, work delicacy, weight, etc.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Biggest manufacturer of persian salt lamp in Iran, manufacturer of salt bricks, grill salt block, salt lamp supply to Iraq, Azerbaijan, UAE in cheap price and unique models.

Major manufacturer of salt stone lampshade in Qom, Isfahan, buy decorative salt stones, natural medical salt stones, send salt stones individually and in bulk throughout the country.

Properties of rock salt lamp

Bring home the beauty of nature. Salt stone lampshade is a combination of technology and the beauties of nature. We all care about the beauty of our living environment, especially if it is light and at night. Lampshades are one of the oldest and most attractive home structures.

Now imagine having a product that has other properties in addition to a special and attractive beauty. All the positive aspects will be at your disposal. Rock salt is produced in the heart of the earth, among the masses of molten material. The rock captures the amazing image and color due to the interaction of chemical interactions in the earth’s crust.

In addition to beauty, these stones also have biological properties. Using salt rock lampshades can have a very positive effect on your life without you realizing it. for example:

  • Ambient humidity regulator
  • Eliminate stress and negative environmental waves
  • Lighten the air for better breathing
  • Reduce sinus congestion
  • Reduce neurological headaches such as migraines
  • Strengthen the sense of calm and security
  • Increase body mobility
  • Help to sleep better
  • Generate positive energy and a method for energy therapy
  • A kind of air purifier

persian salt lamp

How to produce decor rock salt

Salt stone lampshade, as its name implies, is made of decorative rock salt. But how are these stones produced? If you are looking for the benefits of these products, you need to get the original version.

We mainly extract rock salt from natural salt mines in the richest rock salt regions of the world. Many of these stones can be used for decorative purposes because of their beauty. These stones are extracted from their mines, refined in various devices and its additives are taken.

They are then shaped by cutting machines so that they do not lose their natural shape. Finally, they are available as decorative salt stones for various uses.

persian salt lamp

Wholesale of persian salt lamp

Salt rock bedside lamp is one of the most special products that can be given to your loved ones. Today, these attractive and lovable goods have found their own fans and their sales market has flourished. A salesperson knows that when there is a lot of demand in the market, it is time to make money.

persian salt lamp

Now you can earn a very good income from selling Halito salt lampshade at a very reasonable price by using the opportunity to sell it in bulk. Reasonable price, great quality, just what you need.

Source: Iran rock salt Market

Manufacturer of Persian salt lamp in cheap price in Iran, biggest supplier and manufacturer of salt bricks, salt lamp, grill salt block and most beautiful persian salt lamp in Iran, in cheap price with nice wooden base.

Manufacturer of cheap salt rock bedside lamps in Qom and Isfahan, Halito salt rock complex with specialized workshops in the cities of Qom and Isfahan is the largest producer of salt rock in this area, for bulk purchase of salt rock in Tehran.

The rock salt bedside lamp has recently become more and more popular due to its great beauty and charm, and many customers are asking to buy it. This issue has caused many production units to seek to produce and supply rock salt bedside lamps and create a kind of competition in this field.

If you are one of these manufacturers, you can take an important step towards progress and increase sales by purchasing the raw material of rock salt bedside lamps from this collection. All you have to do is contact us directly.



Persian salt lamp

Properties of rock salt bedside lamp

Such products, in addition to remarkable beauty, have many other properties. Among them, we can mention some special properties of feng shui and creating relaxation. The presence of salt crystals in the room helps to increase the comfort, and although we do not see high heat in electric models, but the gentle heat of the lamp in contact with the rock salt, helps to spread it in space.

In many developed countries of the world today, various therapeutic measures are performed by placing or sleeping patients next to rock salt; Including creating peace of mind and relief from certain physical pains. Having a rock salt bedside lamp helps you to enjoy these benefits while making your interior layout and decor more beautiful. However, the very high resistance, lack of vulnerability over time and its durability, were also considered as interesting advantages.

Persian salt lamp

Persian salt lamp Factory

The sale of rock salt bedside lamps in Tehran and many other densely populated cities of the country is at a high level. So that today this very attractive product has found many customers. But apart from this very high demand, the fact is that the first condition for success in the field of production and sale of this product in Tehran or anywhere else, is the use of quality raw materials. Obviously, the main raw material in this area is rock salt.

Accordingly, you must choose the best quality of rock salt to make a bedside lamp. Something we will help you do.

Persian salt lamp

Manufacturer of Globe salt lamp

As one of the leading producers of rock salt and despite years of experience in this field, we can help you to produce the best rock salt bedside lamp. As mentioned, the main condition in this area is the use of quality salt rock, and you will achieve this in cooperation with this collection.

To buy this product in the desired volume and with the highest quality, you can contact us directly.

Source: Iran rock salt Market

Direct purchase of persian salt lamp from manufacturer, largest producer and supplier of salt lamp in Iran, salt bricks and salt block supplier.

Direct purchase of decorative salt stones in spheres and bowls from the manufacturer, online purchase of decorative salt stones, manufacturer of decorative salt stones in Isfahan, Mashhad, Qom, Shiraz, Ahvaz, Yazd and Mazandaran, wholesale of cheap therapeutic salt stones.

 Method of production of persian salt lamp

The production of decorative salt stones has increased in recent years, which can be due to the fact that more people are attracted to this type of decorative stones. When people’s knowledge of the properties of decorative rock salt increased; Instead of buying accessories that have only decorative properties, they decided; Buy stones in addition to the visual appeal of the environment, increase positive energy and calm in the environment.

To produce these stylish and rich decorations, raw salt stones are extracted from the heart of the mines and after initial washing, they are taken to cutting workshops. Artists use rock engraving tools and tools for cutting rock salt to produce rock salt in various forms. Using these rock salts, all kinds of decorative items such as lampshades, candlesticks, torches, vases, lamps, luminous sculptures, etc. are produced.

persian salt lamp

Properties of pyramidal salt lamp

People who know about Feng Shui, energy therapy, Reiki and yoga; They know that geometric shapes are very influential in how energy is transferred, and among these shapes, the pyramid has a special place. The structure of the pyramid represents the connection of the earth to the sky and the universe, and because of its large structure and rule; It produces more energy in its structure. If the decorative rock salt is in the shape of a pyramid; The production of negative ions increases, thus increasing its healing properties.

People who sleep hard; They can bring a restful sleep by placing a luminous pyramid of salt rock above their heads. Also, the luminous pyramid of decorative rock salt reduces the need for sleep in people and people wake up with more vitality and freshness.

A light pyramid can be placed in the room to purify the ambient air and the bedroom.

For meditation, you can use a decorative rock stone made in the shape of a pyramid; used. Through its tip, the pyramid absorbs the electromagnetic energy of the Earth and other planets and stars and transmits it to its owner; As a result, it can be used to increase concentration and increase spiritual energy in meditation.

persian salt lamp

Wholesale Persian salt lamp

Many large salt rock collections and centers sell a variety of decorative rock salts in various geometric shapes at reasonable prices. The price of decorative rock salt is determined according to the color of the rock salt, the type of rock salt, the dimensions of the rock salt, the structure and the shape of the rock salt.

persian salt lamp

Halito Collection, which is one of the largest collections of decorative salt rock sales in the country; Sells all kinds of rock salts. To export this rock salt to different countries, commercial companies can buy raw and cut rock salts from Halito collection.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Purchase bulk persian salt lamp from the manufacturer, Organic salt lamp, halito rock salt Group, Biggest salt lamp manufacturer in Iran.

Wholesale purchase of decorative salt rock from the manufacturer, lighted and unlit salt rock at a very cheap and reasonable price, manufacturer of ball, bowl, pyramid and cube rock salt, verse salted rock with a variety of designs and desired .

Salt Lamp is a charm of today’s fashion

Today, paying attention to the appearance of different places is a very important and serious matter. Environmental design has become a subject in prestigious universities around the world. People try to create a beautiful and pleasant environment for themselves, family, customers and clients by creating physical attractiveness.
It is interesting to know that according to statistics published by the International Environmental Psychology Organization, more than half of fights and aggressions occur in irregular and unattractive environments. Among these decors, symbols and views, decorative rock salt is a very different product. The use of rock salt for decor is a combination of modernity, tradition and naturalism. The beauty of these products has dazzled everyone.

persian salt lamp

Method of production of Salt lamp

One of the most attractive and beautiful decors that has become popular in European countries is the salt stone lampshade. Lampshade lampshades and bedside lamps, in addition to their wonderful appearance and natural and various colors, have useful properties and characteristics that have attracted a lot of interest towards them. The method of producing salt rock lampshades is very attractive.

Have you ever considered a typical lampshade? There is a layer and a protector on a lamp that colors the light. In decorative salt rock factories, using salt rock, containers are made in which lamps can be used and an attractive and unique color of rock salt is transferred to the environment. Amazing and relaxing light that will create an attractive and pleasant environment for you.

persian salt lamp

Persian salt lamp Manufacturer

Illuminated rock salt is one of the newest and most beautiful natural and decorative products that has attracted many fans. The use of these products in the bedroom, living room and even the workplace, gives an amazing charm to the environment.

Buying these products from us can get you what you want. The variety of models and colors, the extraordinary and lifelong quality of the products, as well as the cheap and very reasonable prices of the products, are the features of buying lighted rock salt from us. Take beauty and charm to your home.

persian salt lamp

Wholesale salt lamp supplier

As you know, the use of decorative rock salt in facades and environmental designs is increasing day by day. People’s interest in buying these stones has caused many hands to start working in this sector, many of which have narrowed the field for buying and using these earthly blessings by profiting and offering exorbitant prices.

We have given you a special and exceptional opportunity. Wholesale decorative rock salt with the best price in the highest variety and quality, is a great opportunity that you will miss tomorrow. It is enough to know the features of this purchase with a little research and search to understand the differences. Ask us for the original decorative rock salt.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Globe salt lamp wholesale and supply, persian salt lamp, salt lamp manufacturer in Iran, biggest salt bricks factory in Iran.

Wholesale bulk salt lampshade, decorative salt stone sale center, illuminated salt stone, cheap decorative salt stone wholesale, cubic salt bed lamps and bowls at very reasonable prices.

One of the most important and main uses of rock salt is its use as decorative rock salt. Salt rock is one of the most beautiful types of mineral stones that exist in various shapes and colors in salt rock mines in Iran and some other countries of the world, such as Pakistan and are used in various cases.

Salt stone lampshade is one of the most beautiful salt statues that have many fans and customers in the country and even in the world and they are used as decorative bedside lamps in homes and bedrooms. In this article, we will try to introduce you to the salt rock lampshade and explain it to you dear ones. Stay with us.

Globe salt lamp

Properties of salt rock lampshades

As we said at the beginning of this article, salt rock lampshade is one of the most beautiful lampshades and bedside lamps that are used in residential homes and even some offices, cafes, restaurants, etc. and make it more beautiful. Becomes the interior of these places. In addition to the beauty of these lampshades, rock salt lampshades cause the production and distribution of negative ions in the interior of the room.

Negative ions that are scattered in space, increase the self-confidence of people in the room and also cause a state of peace of mind in people. Therefore, one of the most important uses and benefits of rock salt is the therapeutic applications of this type of stone.

Globe salt lamp

Manufacturer of illuminated rock salt

Illuminated rock salt or the same as rock salt lampshade, today has many fans and customers in the country and therefore the manufacturers of rock salt lampshades, to meet the needs of customers, as well as increase the number of customers in the country, always try to improve product quality. Increase their production and produce beautiful and attractive salt rock lampshades to increase their customers and fans day by day.

Globe salt lamp

Globe salt lamp factory

In the production of salt stone lampshades, beautiful and colorful salt stones are used. Red is one of the most widely used colors for the production of salt rock lampshades. Using this type of rock salt, very beautiful and pleasant lampshades will be produced and marketed.

Halito rock Salt Company is the largest producer of salt stone lampshades in Iran.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Salt lamp production center in Iran, salt lamp manufacturer, salt lamp supplier in Iran, salt bricks factory.

Production center for rock salt bedside lamps and bowls, pyramid rock stone bedside lamps, cubic and labeled models with very exceptional prices, salt rock bedside lamps for sale in Tehran.

Properties of rock salt bedside lamp

Pull out the light from the hard rocks. Salt rock is one of the most attractive and special arts of God. These beautiful pieces of stone are full of strange beauty properties, as if the angels have chosen the most special colors for them.

This charm and beautiful appearance has made creative and artistic people think about using more of these earthly gifts. Salt stones have been used extensively, for example in various facades and decorative items. One of the uses of these products is in bedside lamps. The rock salt bedside lamp is an example of a combination of art, technology and nature. But not all the properties of these products can be summed up in beauty. What do you know about the properties of rock salt bedside lamps?

The air and atmosphere of the room have an electric charge. These times can be composed of radio and telecommunication waves and leave negative effects in the long run. For example, most of us have a Wi-Fi modem in our homes, which is often on. Or we use TV antennas and radio waves, using a rock salt bedside lamp, these waves change and lose their negative charge.

Of course, these products also have various other properties and benefits, which if we want to express in summary and title, will be as follows:

  • Cleaning and positive air change
  • Creating oxygen and a suitable space for breathing
  • Balancing magnetic waves
  • Increasing the level of environmental energy
  • Anti-allergy
  • Create a relaxing atmosphere with soft light
  • Beautify the environment

Salt lamp

Salt lamp manufacturer

Now that you are familiar with the benefits and very positive effects of these attractive products, the next important issue is to prepare them. People’s interest in buying rock salt bedside lamps has led profiteers and fraudsters to sell counterfeit products. If you want to use the unique beauty and completely natural properties of rock salt,

We are proud to provide you with the best product. Selling rock salt bedside lamps in Tehran professionally with a variety of models and designs will be the best reference to make your bedroom attractive.

Salt lamp

Buy salt rock bedside lamps online

Just a few clicks away from a restful, deep sleep and a lovely bedroom. By launching the online shopping section of rock salt bedside lamp and sending the product to your address, we have provided all the conditions for naturalizing your living environment.

Salt lamp

Using our site and virtual pages, you can choose the best product in any color and model and get the best and most appropriate price. We are the main producer ourselves, in fact you are drinking water from the original source. By shopping online, you can ensure your comfortable sleep in the shortest possible time, wherever you are. Good sleep brings good life.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Persian salt lamp sales center in Iran, Manufacturer of salt block for cooking, salt bricks for salt room, salt soap and salt globe for massage.

Salt stone bedside lamp sales center Isfahan Tehran Qom, buy salt rock bedside lamp, decorative rock salt bedding center, online purchase of rock salt bedside lamp, bulk purchase of decorative salt stone.

Manufacturer of Persian salt lamp

Salt rock bedside lamp is one of the natural beauties that is a combination of human handicrafts and nature. The natural colors of salt stones are so beautiful and attractive that man thought to bring this beauty to his bedroom. The preparation and production of these lampshades requires special knowledge, expertise and creativity, so you should go to the best manufacturer of rock salt bedside lamps.

Today, we have designed the most attractive models of these products in the highest quality and the best price of art and tradition in your hands so that you can use this special and unique blessing. These products are made using pure mineral salts and you can be sure that they are natural.

Persian salt lamp

 Keeping rock salt at home

Keeping rock salt in the house is like opening a new branch of nature in the heart of the house. Salt rock is definitely a heavenly stone that is full of beauties, charms and special colors. Do not want to use devices at home that remove negative energies from you and the family atmosphere.

Still has its own beauty? In today’s fashion and design, the use of these stones in the construction of houses and their use is becoming more common. You can use these stones as grill plates, rock salt walls and salt rock bedside lamps.

According to research, salt stone lampshades, due to their ability to regulate the ambient temperature, cause a good feeling when sleeping.

Persian salt lamp

Order salt lamp online

No more worrying about buying the best rock salt bedside lamp from the original manufacturer, we bring your store to your home. Now you can register your favorite salt rock bedside lamp online using a computer or smartphone system and a browser.

Persian salt lamp

The good thing about this is that you can easily see different models and have it delivered to your door in the shortest possible time. Be sure to install and use these products, you will experience a new feeling in your bedroom and while sleeping.

Source: Iran rock salt Market

Wholesale of red rock salt and salt lamp, Rock Salt wholesale, Iran Salt suppliers, Rock salt in bulk, Irani namak, persian salt lamp factory.

Wholesale sales of animal red and decorative salt rock, sale of colored salt rock, sale of animal rock salt, purchase of raw rock salt, sale of rock salt in Karaj, sale of red rock salt, purchase of decorative rock salt, salt rock sales center in Tehran.

Wholesale of  ​​red rock salt

In decorative salt stone sales centers, different types of rock salts with different colors can be seen. Red salt rock is also used as an edible rock salt due to the presence of iron, magnesium and potassium. Red rock salt can be an attractive stone for making salt rock lampshades. Because these stones with their special exposure create a unique beauty in the environment.

The combination of rock salt with other underground and mineral rocks causes a red color in them. When buying red rock salt, make sure that its color is completely natural, because some manufacturers color the stones to make them more marketable.

Wholesale of red rock salt

Persian salt lamp factory

Many reputable stores in Tehran sell decorative salt stones with a variety of designs. Decorative rock salt can be a very attractive and practical accessory for work and home. In the principles of ancient Chinese philosophy and art, namely Feng Shui, salt rock is highly valued; Feng Shui believes that rock salt can be a natural electric charger that dissipates positive energies in the scattered environment and negative energies.

Halito rock salt Group is the largest producer of salt lamp in Iran

Wholesale of red rock salt

Placing decorative rock salt in the dark corners of the house, bedroom, hallway, bathroom and next to the pots can give a special effect to the environment. Combining these stones with honey wax candles can help strengthen the element of soil and fire and create a lot of energy in the environment.

Orange rock salt supplier

Livestock and poultry nutrition experts recommend that rock salt be included in the diet of livestock. Salt rock has long been sold as one of the best and cheapest dietary supplements for livestock. Rock salt has many benefits for livestock, which can be mentioned as follows:

Increasing the weight of livestock : To increase the production rate in broiler livestock, several solutions are suggested to farmers; One way is to include rock salt in their diet. Livestock feel thirsty by eating rock salt and drink a lot of water. On the other hand, consumption of rock salt increases the appetite of livestock and their weight increases in a short time. Salt rock can also be effective in increasing the livestock population because it reduces infertility in the livestock population.

Preventing sudden death : Salt provides many minerals to livestock and disinfects their digestive tract; On the other hand, it balances the electrolytes in their body; All of these prevent diseases such as inflammation, bulimia, pica and milk fever and increase their lifespan.

Wholesale of red rock salt

Salt rock sales centers sell animal salt rock with high purity. Mountain salt rock is more suitable for livestock than sea salt rock due to the lack of heavy elements.

Source: Halito rock salt Group