The cheap price of rock salt for livestock, rock salt for sale, cattle salt licks for sale, best salt block for cattle, export rock salt to India, china, turkey.
Benefits of salt for cattle
Meat livestock and their livestock should both be properly nourished to make them more fleshy and full of milk. They should also be kept away from pests. Livestock are very important and have a hold.
Rapid examination of livestock and measurement of salt levels as well as sodium in their body should be done from time to time because ignorance of this issue can weaken the bones of livestock and their weakness.
Here the question arises as to why livestock salt is different from ordinary salt and what is the difference between the two. Combining salt in forage at the request of humans can be harmful to the body and livestock products.
Livestock, especially cows, may pull their tongues against walls, doors, and fences to compensate for the lack of salt if they feel a lack of salt in their bodies. The tongue will be for the cow.
Therefore, livestock salt plays a special role in the livestock industry, contrary to its appearance.
Another benefit of rock salt for livestock is that animals, especially cows, do not need to eat their own urine, and the blood flow in the animal’s body gets better and faster, and the animal’s heart works healthier and better.
The redder the salt, the higher the iron content. Basically, livestock, especially dairy animals, need less iron, which causes irreparable damage to milk and meat for livestock.
Factors affecting the price of cow salt
Livestock rock salt is divided into different categories that affect its price and quality.
The first type of white salt rock, which is free of any iron and magnesium and is useful for livestock, naturally the price of cow salt in this type of salt was higher.
The second category is salt rock, which has a darker and reddish color, which is not recommended for use despite the lower price, as we said.
Price of rock salt for livestock
The export of rock salt for livestock from Iran is done at a very cheap price, and you can see the price list of the Halito salt rock collection below.
Contact us to place an order.
Source: Halito rock salt company