
Industrial rock salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), also known as halite or natural sodium chloride. When impurities enter the crystal of the halite, the mineral turns into different colors, for example, when the elements of uranium and carbon enter, it turns black. This mineral is found with silicon or bitter salt in evaporative, hot, and dry environments. The salty taste of the glass and the low hardness of this mineral make it easy to distinguish between a group of similar minerals.

Industrial Rock Salt

What is the Best Industrial Rock Salt?

The health benefits of rock salt Contains a number of useful minerals Salt rock contains a number of minerals that are good for your health. In fact, rock salt consists of 84 rare elements out of a total of 92 identified elements. Its minerals include magnesium and calcium. These minerals are essential for specific organ functions in the body. You can choose rock salt as a supplement to increase the low levels of minerals in your body. It should also be noted that with the help of rock salt, the stimulation of activity in the body becomes more intense. By consuming rock salt, the body receives auxiliary elements that interact with other minerals to benefit more from the body’s benefits.

Strengthen metabolism Saltstone can be used to stimulate the body’s metabolism. This can ultimately lead to better functioning of the human body. Salt rock may also help improve water absorption in the body, especially to help the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract along with other organs. With this natural method, minerals as well as valuable nutrients are gradually absorbed. The function of the cell as well as its connection with other components is possible only if the salt level in the blood is absorbed. However, it should be noted that rock salt should be consumed in moderation to avoid adverse side effects.

Industrial Rock Salt

Latest Industrial Rock Salt Wholesale Price List

Our collection produces and markets the best types of decorative rock salt. Existence of professional machines, skilled craftsmen and access to the best type of rock salt has made the presented works very customer friendly.The products are produced in the form of salt rock lampshades, rock candlesticks or candlesticks, soap and massage rock salt.

Due to the high production volume and mass supply of products, all products are offered at very reasonable prices for wholesale.All rock salt products are sent to all parts of the country and there are no restrictions in this regard.



It seems that you are interested in drugs made of rock salt that can function as a natural air conditioner (air purifier). Salt stones help eliminate harmful ions in the air, making it easier for you to breathe. These types of medications are especially helpful if used in the respiratory system, such as those who suffer from bronchitis and asthma.

Industrial Rock Salt

  • Improve morale
  • Consumption of rock salt helps to improve oxygen flow. This will help you deal with seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and boost your mood.
  • Help control stress

Salt lamps emit a special fragrance that helps calm the body as well as the mind. It may also be used to treat and manage stress.For information about types of industrial salt you can visit our site.

Source: Iran rock salt market

Iran’s salt domes are one of the most important units of Iranian geomorphology, the most dense of which are formed in the fragmented and fragmented zones of the Zagros and in the Persian Gulf, whose source is the salt basin of Hormuz, which belongs to Inframbrinin. in this article we want to talk about Iran Rock Salt.

Iran Rock Salt

Iran Rock Salt Types

Salt dams in central Iran are related to the Eocene deposits and the lower red formation, as well as the rule of the high red formation. Salt domes are formed by the infiltration of salt masses in sedimentary rock cover and their delivery to the earth’s surface. The pressure from the sediments on the salt layers is applied to the salt layers. In this regard, salt domes are a complex set of different sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic rocks. The cross-section of these shapes is generally circular or close to the circle, which are seen as spherical or oval protrusions and are seen in various non-geometric shapes due to erosion. Salt glaciers and karst forms are very interesting phenomena in salt domes. Salt domes are an important source of salinity for water and soil resources. On the other hand, salt domes attract a lot of attention by creating oil and salt and salt sources. For this reason, studying this geomorphological unit is very important.

Iran is one of the 20 countries in the world that has the best type of rock salt. In Iran, there is one of the rarest rock salts in the world, known as blue rock salt. Blue rock salt has no edible aspect and due to the blue streaks that exist in the white background of salt rock and has caused it to have a beautiful appearance, it is used for decoration. Of course, other salts such as halite rock salt, crystalline salt and… are also found in Iran’s rock salt mines.

Rock salt, which is very widely used and a significant part of edible salt is obtained by operating on rock salt, is very common in Iran. Iran is rich in rock salt mines, each of which has saltstones with different purity percentages in its heart, and in addition to using rock salt in the food salt industry, there will be other uses for it. Salt rock does not exist in only one type of white, and to date, different types of rock salt have been found not only in Iran but also in different countries. The presence of various impurities such as arsenic, iron and… has caused the diversity of rock salt in different mines to increase, and therefore, the use of rock salt is becoming more and more widespread. you can find salt lamp in this article.

Iran Rock Salt

Top Iran Rock Salt Companies

Although rock salt has many uses and cannot be denied its properties and benefits for the body, there is no store or shop dedicated to the supply of rock salt in the market. Apart from industrial rock salt, which is used by manufacturing plants and factories directly and without intermediaries, buy rock salt from the desired mines, edible rock salt, decor rock salt, etc. are hard to find in the Iranian market.

Iran Rock Salt

Of course, it can be a good option to buy in person, perfumeries or shops that supply natural and organic food. However, a lot of time will be spent buying rock salt. Advances in technology and busy schedules have often led to online shopping for a variety of products, including rock salt.

Source: Halito rock salt company export center

Rock salt is a natural and irregular salt that contains large crystals with mineral impurities. Sometimes impurities stain the salt. For example, natural salt is available in white, pink, red, and black. Its grain size, color, and taste make rock salt popular for recipes, bath products, and crafts, but it can be expensive! You can substitute your Supply Rock Salt salt for your regular salt.

Supply Rock Salt

Supply Rock Salt Properties

From time immemorial, people have known salt as a natural remedy.Ancient Greek physicians advised patients with respiratory problems to breathe vapor from salt water.

In Roman medical prescriptions, it is mentioned that salt salts are very useful for health.

During World War II, German physicians used salt-rich caves to treat sick soldiers and transported them to those iran rock salt caves.In 1999 in Lithuania, 250 children and 500 adults with respiratory problems consumed one hour of sea salt per day, and 9 out of 10 people recovered.

Hippocrates Hypocrats was a Greek physician who noted the properties of saline vapor inhalation and found it beneficial for respiratory diseases.

Salt is used in Australia, China, the Arab world and Europe for decorative and therapeutic purposes. The University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia has also confirmed the healing properties of rock salt.

Supply Rock Salt

Supply Rock Salt Producers in the world

Salt is a crystalline solid that is an important ingredient in our food. In fact, we can not even imagine food without salt. However, despite the fact that our food is tastier, salt can also cause health problems. A variety of salts with rock salt and sea salt are healthier options than regular table salt. There are many who confuse the terms rock salt and sea salt and consider these species to be synonymous. Despite the similarities, there are some differences that are highlighted in this article.

In ancient times, salt, along with gold and other precious objects, was a very expensive commodity. This was because salt was not produced in large quantities and was considered essential for human survival. However, times have changed, and today, salt in the world of nutrition and food is a devil that most people try to avoid diseases to become healthier types of salt. Seasoning foods with salt does not make it deadly. This is what is added to or removed from your food most importantly.

Rock salt

Ordinary salt, also called table salt, is a refined version of rock salt. It is added to food during cooking to give a salty taste. This substance is mainly sodium chloride and when it occurs in the form of a mineral, it is called halite or rock salt. This substance is found in hardware stores and grocery stores in large entertainment bags and is used for various purposes. Rock salt has the same sodium chloride as table salt, but is larger and has faster crystals that take a long time to dissolve. This is why it is not used directly for cooking purposes. The reason for this salt is called rock salt because it is not obtained from sea water but is extracted from underground rock formations.

Rock salt is used to melt ice from roads after snowfall because it reduces the melting point of ice. That is why it is also used to make ice cream at home. It is also preferred in preservation and pickling. There are many natural stone quarries in the world, one of which is the largest natural rock salt mine in the world in Pakistan. The main source of rock salt is seawater, which evaporates to pass NaCl.



sea ​​salt

Sea salt is salt that is created by the evaporation of ocean water. It is essentially sodium chloride but also contains some other minerals. These minerals are known as trace minerals because they are found in very small amounts and include magnesium, iodine, sulfur and so on. It is also called kosher salt, which is approved for cooking in Jewish recipes. Although sea salt contains 98% of sodium calcium, it is still saltier than table salt. There are many fans of sea salt who say it is full of flavor and healthier than table salt.

What is the difference between rock salt and sea salt?

The source of rock salt is underground minerals while the source of sea salt is sea water.

Sea salt contains many minerals other than sodium chloride, and rock salt itself occurs in the form of a mineral called halite.

  • Sea salt is not refined as table salt and contains sodium chloride in a lower percentage than table salt.
  • Sea salt is more flavorful due to the presence of pale minerals.

This type of pink rock salt is well known as a product of Pakistan and is identical to Himalayan salt or Himalayan rock salt.

Supply Rock Salt

This type of rock salt is very rare in the world and is rarely found among countries.

Although not well-publicized, Iran is one of the countries where pink egyptian rock salt  can be found, while only a very limited number of mines have it in limited quantities. Due to all the limitations, we are able to supply large quantities and different types of packaging. Iranian pink rock salt is one of the richest species in terms of mineral content. Pink crystal salt is the best type and available in our mine. This type of pink rock salt is used for human and animal foods, spas and treatments such as energy lamps and various other uses.

Source: Halito rock salt company export center

The largest rock salt production center in Iran, blue rock saltsalt brickswhite rock salt, pink rock salt, orange rock salt, grill salt block.

Familiarity with the types of mineral rock salt for export

From ancient times the Roman and Greek physicians were aware of the healing properties of rock salt and used it to treat a variety of ailments.

Today, rock salt is used to treat skin, respiratory and nervous diseases. In addition to medical uses, rock salt plays an important role in various industries such as textile, dyeing, animal husbandry and the like.

However, the first rank of salt rock extraction is allocated to Garmsar city in Semnan province, because the salt obtained from these mines has a high quality and purity. .

The types of famous salt rocks that are extracted from Garmsar salt mines are:

  • White rock salt
  • Red rock salt
  • Orange rock salt
  • Blue rock salt
  • Black rock salt

Of course, it is necessary to explain that the mentioned titles are general and each of these rock salts has different sub-branches and are divided into different categories based on the veins they contain.

Another difference in the color of these rock salts is affected by the amount of elements in them. For example, blue rock salt is very rare and this rock exists only in Iran’s salt mines and is not found anywhere else in the world. There is a lot of potassium in this stone that makes it stand out.

On the other hand, the presence of high amounts of iron in rock salt causes red and orange color in it, which is recommended for consumption in some countries to eliminate iron deficiency.

rock salt production

Rock salt production

As explained in the previous section about the types of rock salt, you realized that rock salt is naturally extracted from mines and is not a material that can be produced anywhere, and due to its abundance, the issue of its production is practically ruled out!

However, after extraction, salt rock is used in different parts as the same natural but cut rock with a specific shape. In fact, the term salt rock production originates from here, and the story of producing different types of rock salt begins here.

Sliced ​​saltstones have several uses, the most famous of which are:

  • Making salt bricks
  • water refinery
  • Dialysis machine treatment
  • For animal feed
  • Production of decor rock salt
  • Production of rock salt soap
  • Cooking salt production

It is said that the most important and widely used items of salt rock have been cut, all of which are produced and supplied in specialized workshops of the Halito rock salt company.

rock salt production

The largest salt brick production center

One of the ways to use the properties of rock salt is to make a salt room, and salt bricks are needed to build the walls of the salt room.

One of the products that is produced in a very large volume in our collection is salt brick and it is offered in different standard sizes and colors, which you can see the different sizes of this product along with its different colors.

Standard dimensions of salt bricks

  • 10 * 20
  • 10 * 15
  • 10 * 10
  • 5 * 18

rock salt production

Type of colors of salt bricks

  • Orange
  • Red
  • brown
  • White

rock salt production

Animal sliced rock salt

The cut livestock salt rock is offered for the first time by Halito Group in Iran and is similar to Pakistan in terms of quality and construction and has the ability to compete in the international market well.

This product is prepared in 12 kg cartons and the weight of each cut salt rock along with the strap is approximately 2 kg to 3 kg.

rock salt production

Production of rock salt soap

Salt rock soap has positive effects on the skin. These soaps eliminate toxins that form on the skin during the day, while they can also help exfoliate and remove dead cells, strengthen and tighten tissue, and clean pores. Slow down.

These soaps contain 84 minerals and trace elements and have antibacterial properties and are usually useful for people with skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, insect bites, herpes, acne, warts, insect bites and more.



The use of salt soap also helps to hydrate the skin, so that after using this soap, salt is stored in the upper layer of the skin and absorbs water, which preserves the natural layer of the skin and prevents the skin from drying out.

Therefore, rock salt soap is also suitable for people with dry skin. After using these soaps, according to the osmosis phenomenon, toxins are removed from the skin and salt enters the skin, which helps to reduce the acidity and modulate the skin’s pH.

rock salt production

Buy raw rock salt

As mentioned, rock salt is used in various industries. The Halito Group sells large quantities of natural raw rock salt annually for sale to owners of various industries in bulk and packaged.

The price of bulk product is much lower than packaged types, so many domestic buyers prefer bulk types, and packaged rock salt is mostly exported to countries such as Germany, Georgia, Oman, Iraq, UAE, Afghanistan, india, Armenia and Azerbaijan. It happens.

rock salt production

Cooking salt block production

Interestingly, in the list of salt rock products, there is also the name of cooking salt rock, and it is true that cooking rock salt has become an integral part of cooking.

That’s why the Halito rock salt company produces cooking salt in very large and exceptional dimensions of 30 x 30 and provides it to its customers.

rock salt production

Decor rock salt sale Center

As the largest producer of rock salt in Iran, Halito Group assigns large amounts of salt rock to the production of decorative rock salt, such as salt rock jams and lampshades, and salt rock bedside lamps.

If you are one of the manufacturers of decorative salt stones and salt bricks, you will need a cutting salt. Is.

rock salt production

Halito Collection offers a variety of high-quality, high-strength rock salt for cutting and milling. Contact us for price inquiries.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Wholesale type of Iran white rock salt, With varying degrees of purity from 93% to a unique purity of 99.5% for various uses such as edible, industrial, animal feed, decorative, salt bricks, delivery in the destination country.

Introducing natural white rock salt

Forty years ago, forty years ago, many researchers at laboratories in charge of laboratories undertook various reviews and researches on the subject of white salt.

Salt is one of the essential nutrients for the body and helps the body and brain function properly, but excessive salt intake can pose countless risks to the body.

Natural white rock salt has been used in Australia, China, Arab countries and Europe for decorative and therapeutic purposes, and the New South Wales School in Sydney, Australia, has confirmed the healing properties of white rock salt.

white rock salt

Types of white rock salt

The price and value of white rock salt varies depending on the purity of the rock, because the lower the salt content of the white rock, the darker the spots on the rock will be. have.

The Halito rock salt company offers two types of pure white rock salt with a purity of 98.5 and 99.5 percent, which is quite rare and unique.

Other types of white salt rock, which have dark streaks, are also very expensive and have the largest volume of use in the industry because they are very reasonably priced.

white rock salt

Buy and sell white rock salt

Buying and selling white rock salt among different types of rock salt always has the highest amount in the market, so it is better to be more familiar with the types of white rock salt and its applications.

When buying salt stones, make sure that each of the salt stones is carefully made to protect the true beauty of the salt rock.

The various salts in rock salt make these rocks look very unique, leaving iron, red streaks, and manganese, orange streaks, and yellow colors, not actually any rocks. You can’t find salt that has exactly the same shape and color.



White rock salt is widely used and is the most widely used rock salt in the world, perhaps the most widely used in industry.

For example, if the rock salt is white but of low purity and so-called poor quality, after being crushed and turned into road salt, it is used as an antifreeze for salt spraying.

Other applications of white rock salt, especially in Iran, for animal use and perhaps its most important use is the production of decorative salt rock.

It should be noted that the sale of white and light rock salt for decorative and livestock or industrial purposes is very different, so you should consider the type of use before buying the product.

white rock salt

Uses of white rock salt

White saltstones have many uses, some of which are quoted for more information

  • For oral consumption
  • For animal feed
  • Hardening and resuscitation of resin and water treatment
  • Create decorative rock salt
  • Making cooking rock salt
  • To cook food

Also, Halito rock salt company is a producer of cooking salt rock, which has become very popular in Iran in the last one year. has it.

White rock salt have many very useful uses, which are described below, and white rock salt are offered for all these uses by the Halito company at a very unique price.

white rock salt

Animal rock salt

The choice of livestock rock salt is very important because the rock salt that is to be eaten by livestock must be free of iron and magnesium.

Magnesium-free, iron-free white rock salt are a great choice for livestock feed.

white rock salt

Decor rock salt

To make decor rock salt, you must use white rock salt without streaks.

Dark and streaked rock salt will make the final work look very bad and you will not experience good sales.

white rock salt

Manufacture and production of cooking salt block

Cooking salt, which is used for cooking, is very important for restaurants because it is an emerging phenomenon that has a lot of potential to attract customers.

Halito rock salt company Products Cooking Salt in very large dimensions. Contact us to purchase single or bulk Cooking Salt.

white rock salt

Familiarity with rare types of rock salt

You may be wondering what kind of salt stones there are in Iran and the world. Here are a few things to keep in mind when answering this question.

  • The color of rock salt
  • The price of rock salt
Detection of rock salt based on the appearance of the rock 
color of rock salt Available items
white The higher the whiteness, the higher the sodium and the purer it is
Red It is high in iron and also contains calcium and magnesium
Orange Iron has magnesium calcium but less than red rock salt
Blue Potassium is abundant and very rare
Crystal The more glass, the higher the price and the purest type of salt
Black Low sodium and some lime

The rock salts mentioned in the table above are rare and some are rare, including the rare rock salt rock salt, which is very watery and very full of customers, but unfortunately its inventory is very, very small.

The Halito rock salt company specializes in rare and rare types of rock salt, including blue salt rock, crystal rock saltred rock salt, and orange rock salt.

white rock salt

Buy Edible rock salt

It can be acceptable to buy edible saltstones, perfumeries, or stores that supply natural and organic foods, but in any case, it will take a long time to buy white saltstones.

The advancement of technology and the busy schedule of people have led to the fact that most of the time, when shopping online, they turn to various products, and rock salt is no exception.

Of course, you should note that we do not send rock salt in retail, but if you live in Tehran, we can accept up to 1 ton of orders and send it to you.

white rock salt

Where to put rock salt in the house

You should not expect a miracle if you put a salt rock in a part of the house where you walk and walk a lot, because this salt rock must be placed in a place where family members can spend more time to use it. They spend it there, or more electronic devices.

Our advice is not to settle for one rock salt, but you can start with a lighted salt rock first and then increase the number. These rocks are like plants, the more the better, the more suitable place to place the rock. Salt at home is one of the most used neighborhoods, such as a bedroom or living room.

Of course, the bedroom, especially the child’s bedroom, is another very suitable place where it is recommended to use a salt rock bedside lamp.

white rock salt

Decor rock Salt export center

The name of decorative rock salt may lead your mind to a luxury item suitable for aristocratic life, but it should be noted that decorative salt products are not just decorative, and today they are mostly considered a therapeutic aspect.

Halito Decorative rock salt Stone Sales Center is the largest manufacturer of decorative salt rock in Iran, which produces all kinds of salt rock bedside lamps, salt rock lampshades and non-lamp salt rockets at very reasonable prices.

The myriad properties of rock salt have led to the use of rock salt everywhere in the world for treatment, so for this purpose, they use decorative salt.

white rock salt

Today, rock salt therapy is widely used to make salt rooms, salt caves, salt bricks, and decorative salt rocks. The Halito rock salt company is a leader in the Middle East and exports its products to countries in the region.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Rock Salt factory products in Iran, red rock saltwhite rock saltindustrial salt size .3 mm to 5 mm, delivery at destination by low freight.

Sodium chloride is a sodium chloride mineral and is used in some foods. The salt rock factory usually makes processed salt from this product and then goes to the market. This product is currently used in most countries of the world and has many fans.

Rock Salt factory

Ways to buy from rock salt factory

Salt rock, as mentioned, is a sodium chloride mineral. This product is white or changes color depending on its impurities.

Salt rock has properties such as processed salt, ie it is salty and shiny.

Salt also smells like salt. There are several ways to make this product. Naturally, to buy this product in large quantities, you have to go to the rock salt mine and get the salt rock you need from there.

Salt stones are used for medicinal and oral purposes. Major salt production also takes place in rock factories. By visiting these factories, you can get both rock salt and processed salt.

This product is also used in massage therapy centers.

Rock Salt factory

Top producer of high quality rock salt in Iran

Currently, there are centers and stores in our country, Iran, as well as in many countries around the world, which sell high quality salt.

When preparing this product, you should note that poor quality samples of this product are available in the country’s market, which can be a problem for you in the future, so you must pay special attention to the quality of your chosen product.

The price of rock salt may be ridiculous, but it depends on factors such as inflation, stock market fluctuations and the price of the dollar, and at any given time.

Halito rock salt Association is proud to have been able to distribute the best and highest quality type of rock salt in the country’s market for several years and to satisfy the dear customers to a great extent.

Rock Salt factory

At this moment, you can visit the website of our company to get acquainted with different types of rock salt and choose your desired product and buy it with the best price and quality.

Also, at this moment, you can contact our consultants by calling one of the numbers in the site and get the necessary advice about the most appropriate price of high quality rock salt and how to prepare it from them.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Buy from the largest Iran Garmsar rock salt mine, pink rock salt, orange rock salt, red rock saltwhite rock saltpersian blue salt.

Introduction of Garmsar rock salt

Garmsar is located on the northwestern edge of the desert in Iran and the salt mines in this province are among the oldest types of salt mines on the planet.

The presence of salt, gypsum and sulfur reserves has led to an increase in mining activities in the Garmsar region, and Garmsar salt deposits are being extracted from a large area (700 square kilometers) in northwestern and western Garmsar, central Iran.

With the advent of various mineral elements during the formation of rock salt, the salts from salt mines have a variety of colors, for example, blue salt rock has a high amount of potassium, while red rock salt is rich in iron.

buy from rock salt mine

Export red rock salt

Red rock salt is a very good source of iron for iron, especially in women who are more prone to anemia and iron deficiency. Incorporating this salt into the diet can provide the amount of iron your body needs.

At the same time, you should avoid consuming too much salt so that you do not face the possible side effects of excessive salt consumption and remember that in our country, Iran, the only salt that is hygienically approved is the same edible edible salt.

Red rock salt is used in the domestic market in the field of production of various types of salt rock lampshades and various models of salt rock bedside lamps and salt bricks, and it can be said that the most common use of red salt rock in the Iranian market is related to this recent issue.

buy from rock salt mine

White rock salt for livestock

Incorporating rock salt into the diet of livestock can help eliminate the germs in the stomach of the animal and also strengthen the nervous and hormonal systems of the animal and regulate the body’s fluids.

Halito rock salt company offers a wide variety of white and white animal salt. It should be noted that for cities that are further away from Garmsar, the minimum order should be 15 tons, but for nearby cities such as Tehran and Qazvin, it is possible to send 5 tons. There is also a load.

The best type of livestock white rock salt is offered by Halito Salt Stone Collection at the price of the mine door and without charge.

buy from rock salt mine

Buy from Garmsar rock salt mine

In order to buy original salt rock with quality and purity above 99%, it is better to buy directly from Garmsar rock salt mine itself.

buy from rock salt mine

All customer orders are made by Halito rock salt company under the supervision of an expert and hand-picked.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Export red rock salt to India from Iran, the best type of red salt rock with a purity of 98.3%, packaging of jumbo bag and 50 kg bag, delivery in the destination country with the lowest transportation rate.

Introducing red rock salt

Anemia is one of the most common problems caused by iron deficiency worldwide, usually due to insufficient absorption of iron from food or iron deficiency in food.

Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue, lethargy, weakness, hair loss, loss of concentration, shortness of breath and dizziness, and there are different types of iron tablets and capsules on the market, and a person with anemia can have iron deficiency problems. Solve it yourself, but the best way to get iron from foods is rich in iron, because it has no side effects and the absorption process is completely normal.

Salt rock extracted from salt mines has a variety of colors, including white, blue, pink and red, which is due to the change in the amount of elements in the salt rock.

The higher the iron content of rock salt, the more red it turns red, which is why red rock salt always has the highest percentage of iron, and in many countries red rock salt is used as the main salt on the table.

Of course, the type of red salt rock is very important and basic in this regard, and the purchase of rock salt must be done from reputable and experienced collections.

red rock salt

Red rock salt Vs white rock salt

Compared to red rock salt, white salt rock has very little iron in its salt crystals, although white rock salt has a much higher sodium content and is similar to red salt in terms of negative ion emissions.

If we consider the use and application of rock salt as the production of salt bricks or the decoration of decorative salt rock, both white and red rock salt have the same position and are used equally. Countries are different from these two salt rocks.

In East Asia and Southeast Asia, for example, in some areas people are not familiar with white salt at all, and what they have always consumed has been red salt, while for us Iranians this is quite different.

red rock salt

Red rock salt export

As the largest supplier of rock salt in Iran, Halito rock salt Complex has the ability to supply and package 5,000 tons of red rock salt per month in a Jumbo Bag bag, which is unrivaled in Iran in this regard.

red rock salt

It is also possible to load this rock salt in bulk up to 8,000 tons per month without any restrictions.

Source: Halito rock salt company

The largest exporter of pink rock salt, Exporting Orange rock salt, the largest exporter of red rock salt in the Middle East, the possibility of delivering rock salt in the destination country with the lowest shipping rate.

Pink rock salt mine

Purchasing pink rock salt is usually very attractive for consumers abroad due to its attractive appearance, different taste and amazing properties.

The pink rock salt mine is mostly located in the Punjab region of Pakistan, and as a result, most of the world’s pink rock salt is extracted from this region and from the heart of the high Himalayan mountains. Garmsar supplies it.

98% of this rock salt is composed of sodium and chlorine elements, and elements such as calcium, zinc, copper and iron make up the remaining two percent of this rock salt, which is the same 2% taste and color of this rock salt compared to other rocks. Salt distinguishes.

pink rock salt

pink rock salt benefits

Pink salt has a high iron content due to its high iron content, which is less than red rock salt and is suitable for most people, but the majority of the use of orange and pink rock salt around the world is for the production of decorative rock salt.

Providing essential salts, strengthening the message in the body’s nervous system and fighting depression and preventing hair loss and anemia are other properties of this salt, because the presence of iodine in salt is necessary to prevent hypothyroidism and goiter. If this salt does not contain iodine, it is recommended that you include iodized oral salt in your diet.

pink rock salt

Pink Salt Export Market

The existence of limited pink salt mines in the world, as well as the special reception of other countries, including American and European countries, has led to a boom in the export market for pink rock salt, and a large amount of currency is exported to Pakistani merchants every year.

Due to the existence of pink salt mines, Iran not only does not need to import this type of salt, but it can also act as an exporter of this salt and import a large amount of currency annually.

As the largest supplier of pink, orange and red rock salt in Iran, Halito rock Salt company has always been ranked first in supplying all kinds of colored rock salt as well as blue rock salt in Iran.

pink rock salt

Buy pink rock salt

To buy exported pink rock salt, the minimum order for the domestic market must be 25 tons and for export markets must be 100 tons and above. Provides its customers throughout the ports of different countries.

pink rock salt

It is possible to deliver 1000,000 tons of pink and orange rock salt per month in the Jumbo Bag bag.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Iran pink rock salt Wholesaler export to India, jumbo bag (1 tons) and 50 kg packing, CIF Mundra or Nhava Sheva.

Familiarity with Iran pink rock salt

Salt rock is a glowing rock that, if exposed to sunlight without changing its shape and appearance, will have a ionizing effect that will increase the energy of the rock, which will repel negative waves and create a sense of calm and. Reduce stress.


Another name for sodium salt is chloride, also known as salt rock, halite

If the mineral rock salt contains salts other than sodium and chlorine, it will change in color.

For example, if uranium and carbon enter the rock salt, it turns the rock salt black.

The red salt rock and the orange rock salt have also changed color due to the presence of iron in the rock salt, and the higher the redness of the rock, the more iron it will naturally have.

Iran pink rock salt

Introduction of Garmsar rock salt mine

In Iran, there are various salt rock mines, the distribution of which in different cities shows that our country, Iran, has very large reserves of rock salt.

In these mines, different types of rock salt are obtained and used for various food and industrial purposes, which are usually classified based on the color of the rock salt as well as the amount of purity in it.

The largest and widest salt rock mine in Iran is located in the city of Garmsar in the province of Semnan, and the city of Garmsar is located 90 km from Tehran.

Garmsar salt rock has a very high quality and quality, which has been introduced and known in the world market due to its high quality.


Garmsar rock salt accounts for more than 80% of Iran’s rock salt exports

Iran pink rock salt

Mineral rock salt can be divided into different types according to color and application:

First of all, we will introduce different types of salt stones based on color:

  • White rock salt
  • Blue rock salt
  • Pink rock salt
  • Red rock salt
  • Crystal rock salt
  • Orange rock salt

Also, mineral rock salt is divided into the following categories according to their application:

  • Health rock salt
  • Edible rock salt
  • Decor salt lamp
  • Animal rock salt
  • Industrial rock salt

Due to their high potential, rock salt mines in Iran can become one of the main export centers of rock salt in the world.

Red salt, extracted from Iranian mines, is used to make salt bricks and decorative saltstones, but in other countries, red saltstones are also used for food.

In the mines of Garmsar city, there is also orange rock salt and its amount is very low and it is very popular in the domestic market and the field of decorative rock salt is the most consumer of this rock.


Halito Salt Stone Collection is the largest supplier of pink rock salt in Iran

Blue rock salt, which is the rarest salt rock in the world, is rarely found in the Garmsar mines, where no tamen has been found anywhere in the world.

Iran pink rock salt

Buy pink rock salt

Pink rock salt is extracted from salt mines in the Himalayas and contains substances such as chlorine and sodium, as well as organic matter and important elements that distinguish it from other salt rocks on the market.
In addition to the chlorine and sodium elements found in common salt, Himalayan pink rock salt contains some elements of calcium, magnesium and iron that are very good for the body and help maintain a person’s health. It is due to the presence of iron in it.

Iran pink rock salt

Application of pink rock salt

Himalayan rock salt, in addition to oral consumption, other uses such as health, beauty; It has a massage and 2.

Regarding the properties of Himalayan rock salt, the following can be mentioned:

  • Improves hair and nail growth.
  • Increases mental activity.
  • Helps to lose weight.
  • Increases the body’s energy level.

Iran pink rock salt has many properties that you can replace with regular salt.
Iran rock salt is expensive because it is imported and can be said to be expensive to make.


Contact us to buy Iranian pink rock salt, which is similar to the Pakistani sample, at a much cheaper price

Many energy therapy classes and yoga classes always try to keep the classroom in a rock salt room.

According to research, being in a salty space can have a big impact on a person’s comfort and ease of breathing. Salt releases this by releasing negative ions into space.
Forests and waterfalls are full of negative ions. Negative ions are a factor in health!

Iran pink rock salt

Wholesale Iran Salt lamp

Currently, decorative salt stones are sold in bulk and in bulk. Also, these stones have been found in the market in the form of patterned or in the form of ball-shaped salt stones or sliced ​​salt stones, bowl salt stones or in raw form. be.
Decorative salt rock can be seen as orange, red and white rock salt, which are very popular in Iran. White and orange rock salt.

Decorative salt stones have many properties and are a favorite of many buyers due to their healing properties.

One of these is the rock salt lampshade, which is used to treat lung diseases. These lamps emit negative ions into the air.

The negative ions distributed in the air balance the negative energies in the environment and create a sense of calm, reduce stress, and ward off eye sores.

Decor salt lamp can also kill harmful bacteria, and in addition, rock salt bedside lamps are used to treat asthma.


Salt stone bedside lamp will eliminate air pollution and purify the environment, which will be very useful for asthma patients.

It is recommended that people with asthma use rock salt in their home environment to greatly reduce their health problems, and rock salt is also widely used for feng shui.

If you use rock salt in your home environment, over time you will find that your mood has changed and become calmer than before, and one of the most important uses of rock salt is for eye contact or sore eyes, which is also scientifically. has been proven.

Iran pink rock salt

Buy block salt for cooking

The best type of rock salt for cooking is Himalayan salt rock because it has many elements and has many properties for cooking.
In addition to being used as food for salt, red and orange salt stones are also made and used as a dish or surface for cooking food or plates.
Pink salt helps digestion, reduces stomach acid reflexes and balances the body’s pH.

Iran pink rock salt

Iran Orange rock salt export Market

It has previously been suggested that saltstones are found in a variety of colors, including red, blue, green, black, pink, and orange.

Orange rock salt is extracted from Garmsar rock salt mines, and the reason it is orange is due to the presence of iron in it, which makes it orange.

Orange rock salt has a more limited market than other rock salt, and white and red rock salt have always been at the forefront of exports, mainly due to the very low stock of orange salt.

Iran pink rock salt

Buy raw rock salt

Raw salt rocks are rocks that have not been processed and are untreated.

Raw salt is used for a variety of purposes. These stones contain large amounts of sodium that can be used to purify drinking water. Raw salt is also used for food, but you should note that this is the opposite The order of the Ministry of Health is the order of the day, and if possible, you should avoid eating salty foods orally and use refined salt for this purpose.
Other uses for raw rock salt for decorative purposes include a very large volume, and its buyers are often workshops for the production of decor rock salt Iran is offered.

Sales of orange rock salt with very good quality and price and fast delivery are available for purchase and delivery. Hosseini Salt Stone Collection (Halito Salt Stone) provides you with the best type of orange rock salt.

Making a salt stone lampshade and salt brick for salt walls with orange salt stone is very attractive.

Iran pink rock salt

Where to put rock salt in the house

Salt rock has a special function and it is better to place it where most of the family members travel and spend a lot of time. Also, it is better to place rock salt in a place where electrical appliances are located.

Iran pink rock salt

Salt rock is also useful for repelling eye sores and should be used in a place where guests can be accommodated.
Therefore, it is better to put rock salt in the bedroom or in the living room. It is better to always prioritize children’s bedrooms so that they have a calmer and more comfortable sleep.

Source: Halito rock salt group