
Export of Iran red salt to India and Turkey and Iraq, in small bags and big bags also in bulk, capacity of supply monthly 900 tons.

Iranian red salt supplier for export, red salt rock with jumbo bag with a monthly supply capacity of 800 tons, border delivery with all the necessary certificates for export, red salt rock export to Iraq, Oman and India.

Red salt is one of the best, most beautiful and most widely used types of rock salt, which is found in abundance only in some parts of the world, including countries such as Iran and Pakistan, and in other parts of the world. This type of salt rock can be found on a small and spotty face. Iran is considered as one of the largest producers and exporters of this type of ore in the world and with its huge salt ore mines, has a large share of extraction and export of this type of ore. In this article we will talk about red salt. Stay with us.

Iran red salt

Red salt mine in Iran

As we said at the beginning of this article, red salt is one of the best and most beautiful types of salt that has many fans around the world and is used in many cases. Garmsar salt rock mine is one of the largest salt mines in Iran and even in the world, in which red, blue, pink, etc. salt rocks exist and are extracted.

Iran red salt

Benefits of red salt

Red salt is used in many cases due to its high content of iron. This is why white salt changes color to red. Due to the beautiful color of this type of salt stone, it is used in decorative products industries, such as salt statues and saltstone lampshades. In addition, due to the fact that this type of rock salt has a large amount of iron in it, so it is used to improve and treat people who suffer from iron deficiency and anemia.

Iran red salt

Export of Iran red salt to Iraq

Red salt, due to the fact that it is produced in large quantities in Iran and has many benefits and applications, so it is exported to different countries. Even European countries want to import rock salt from Iran and get the rock salt they need from Iran. Iraq is one of the countries that imports salt rock from Iran and imports a large amount of rock salt, including red rock salt, for various purposes every year.

Halito rock salt company is the largest supplier of red salt rock in Iran.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Iran Garmsar red rock salt mine, Rock salt for cattle, Rock salt for goats, Red Rock salt lick, Persian Rock Salt Lumps.

Garmsar red salt ore mine, specially packaged red salt for export, delivery in Bandar Abbas, Bandar Anzali, export of red salt ore to Iraq, the largest pink, orange and red salt rock packaging plant in Garmsar.

Where is the red salt mine?

Red rock salt is one of the most popular rock salts in the world, which has become this color due to the presence of large amounts of iron. Red salt is found in a variety of colors from orange-red and pink to bold red.

Many mines around the world have this rock salt; Pakistan and Iran have red salt rock mines. In Iran, Garmsar red salt rock mine is the most important mine with this rock salt, as in Pakistan, Punjab province is a leader in this field.

red rock salt

Properties of red rock salt

Red salt rock can be used as a dietary supplement due to the high amount of iron and provides part of the body iron. Women who suffer from menstrual cramps; They can include edible red salt in their diet; Because in some cases iron deficiency can cause menstrual cramps.

People with hair loss; they can; Mix some red salt in tea and massage the resulting solution on your hair; Red salt can strengthen hair follicles, prevent hair loss and help thicken hair.

Many decorative rock salt manufacturers use red salt to make lampshades; Because red salts create a stronger magnetic field and increase positive energy in the environment.

red rock salt

Export of Red salt rock

Existence of many salt rock mines has provided a special economic situation for Iran; If Iran appreciates these huge mines and makes the right policy; It can advance its economic goals through these mines. Until recently, many red salts exported from Iran were sold in the name of Pakistan; Because Pakistan’s red salt was well known for its advertisements and Iranian red salt remained anonymous.

red rock salt

Analysis of Garmsar red rock salts proved the high quality of rock salt; In addition, the activity of Iranian merchants in the field of rock salt increased and the red salt of Garmsar was introduced to everyone and was considered by many Asian and European countries; So that now many merchants enter the country with a lot of currency by selling salt stone and exporting it.

Halito salt rock complex provides the highest amount of Garmsar red salt rock in the field of export.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

The largest mineral salt factory in Semnan, rock salt factory, pink salt and white salt factory, capacity monthly 1700 tons.

The largest mineral salt factory in Semnan, producing all kinds of table salt, crushed granulated salt rock in different powder sizes, granulated sugar, coarse-grained pea salt and fishery.

Salt in nature comes in two forms: salt domes that are the result of crushing salt rocks in sedimentary rock mines or are created by the evaporation of seawater, although the resulting salt can not be consumed at first, so the salt factory to convert this The product was created to be the final product that can be used by individuals. With the increasing progress of science and technology and also the increase in demand, salt factories were created in different types, each of which is explained below and the method of salt production in these factories is explained.

Salt mills are typically divided into three main categories:

  1. Industrial salt factories
  2. Edible salt factories
  3. Salt packing plant

Salt production method in the factory

In industrial salt factories, salt rock is crushed using mills or other crushing methods. Edible salt is then marketed, in salt packing factories as the name implies, only salt is packaged and marketed.

salt factory in Semnan

Refined salt factory in Semnan

To prepare usable and standard salt in the salt factory, special activities must be done. First, the rock salt is ground and by dissolving in water, a solution of saturated salt water is formed, and by adding special chemicals and removing insoluble substances. From the solution to the next step, then pass the solution through the filter and evaporate it, finally add iodine to the salt crystals and then take the salts to the salt factory warehouse and after packaging We market.

salt factory in Semnan

Export of salt to Turkey

As you know, Turkey is a neighbor of Iran and there are many economic exchanges between the two countries; One of the commodities involved in these exchanges is salt. The salt factory produces quality products that can be exported to other countries, including Turkey, according to world markets.

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salt factory in Semnan

On the one hand, it will boost the economy and create jobs in our country, and on the other hand, quality salt will reach consumers in Turkey.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Iran Pink salt manufacturer monthly capacity 650 tons, Iran rock salt manufacturer, pink rock salt, Orange rock salt, white rock salt, biggest supplier of rock salt in Iran.

Manufacturer of pink salt with a monthly capacity of 650 tons, pink salt with a variety of powder granulations, one-handed pea pink salt and fine pink salt, delivery in 25 kg bags, export of pink and blue salt to all parts of the world.

Properties of pink salt

One of the purest and best salts in the world is Himalayan pink salt, which is effective in treating many diseases and has many benefits for the body. Pink salts are healthier than regular salts and contain 98% of sodium chloride and have chemical compounds close to table salt. The use of pink salt significantly reduces infections and kills harmful bacteria in the body.
How is pink salt produced?

Pink salt is extracted from the salt mines around the Pakistani city of Kahiwar. Over time, the appearance of these salts turns pink and sunlight creates special crystals in this salt. Pink salts can only be extracted from the Himalayas near Pakistan and are known by the same name.

Iran Pink salt

Benefits of using pink salt

Pink salt has many healing properties and affects human health. The amount of sodium in common salt and pink salt is the same, but because the Himalayan salt is saltier, less of this salt is used for food and as a result less sodium will enter the body. It is necessary to remember that the presence of sodium is necessary for the body, but if too much sodium enters the body, it will cause complications such as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart problems, and so on. Himalayan salt has strong detoxifying properties. In this salt, there are negatively charged ions that, after entering the body, will expel various toxins in the body.

Another property of pink salts is its high ability to rejuvenate the skin. Consumption of this salt facilitates the process of absorption of minerals and as a result, freshness and freshness will be created for the skin. Salt therapy is one of the most effective ways to treat respiratory diseases. This treatment is done by patients inhaling salty air and using this salt, they disinfect their lungs.

Iran Pink salt

Wholesale Iran Pink salt

It is possible to buy Himalayan salt in two major and minor forms. However, buying bulk salt is economically viable and the cost will be more appropriate and cheaper.

Contact us for bulk purchase of pink salt from the manufacturer and very reasonable price. All orders are shipped nationwide.

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Iran Pink salt

It is possible to export pink salt at a very exceptional price in all countries.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Export of orange salt in 20 kg packaging and jumbo bag, white rock salt supplier, pink salt manufacturer, Export of red rock salt to Iraq, Turkey and Oman.

Orange salt with 20 kg packaging and special jumbo bag for export, sending orange rock salt to all neighboring and distant countries with the lowest shipping rates, possibility of delivery to the factory door, delivery with all customs services and related licenses.

Orange salt or pink salt is one of the best and most characteristic types of salts, which is also called Himalayan salt. Iran and Pakistan have many rock salt mines that there are different types of rock salt in these countries. The Himalayas in Pakistan are considered to be the orange rock or pink rock salt mine, and a large amount of this type of salt is exported to different countries of the world every year.

In Iran, there is orange salt rock in Garmsar and Semnan rock salt mines. In this article, we will explain about this type of salt rock at your service, dear ones. Stay with us.

Export of orange salt

Properties of pink salt

Pink salt is one of the most abundant salts that is used to treat many diseases, including skin diseases. Also, due to the fact that this type of salt has various minerals such as magnesium, so this type of salt can be used in the treatment of rheumatic pain and bone pain, and in a way, this type of salt can cure pain. He knew.



Export of orange salt

Garmsar pink salt production

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, in addition to the Himalayas, pink salt is also found in other parts of the world, one of which is the Garmsar salt rock mines.

The rock salts that are extracted from Garmsar salt rock mines are of very high quality and for this reason, many countries in the world, including Asian and European countries, buy Garmsar rock salt.

Export of orange salt

Export of orange salt to India

Orange salt or pink salt, because its amount is much lower than other types of salt, including white salt, so its price is higher than white salt.

India is one of the countries that has always been considered as an importer of Garmsar salt, and orange salt is one of the salts that India buys. Therefore, the sale of Garmsar pink salt to India brings a good currency for Iran.

Halito rock salt company is the largest supplier of orange rock salt in Iran.

Source: Halito rock salt company

The largest pink rock salt mine in Iran, Pink salt price, rock salt for cooking, Where does pink salt come from, salt bricks.

Iran’s largest pink salt rock mine, Garmsar rock salt mine, all kinds of blue edible rock salt, glass crystal of salt heart, red and orange rock salt.

Garmsar is one of the cities in Iran that is a leader in the production of salt rock.

The selling price of Garmsar rock salt ore is very fair and appropriate, and by buying in bulk, you can also benefit from good discounts. This salt has good properties.

pink rock salt

What is the method of extracting rock salt from the mine?

You may be interested to know that salt is also obtained from the mine, that is why it is called rock salt, but the salt that is obtained from the Garmsar salt mine also has different types of ore that cannot be found in it. Food should be used, but it should be separated and crystallized with the help of devices. Each of these measures is done in the factory, that is, first the salt rock is separated from the mine and then it is transferred to the factory that has the device. To purify it.

It should be noted that the device in the mine should be able to separate this rock salt from the mountain, which is very important at first, but in Iran there are advanced devices and this is easy with them. When the rock salt is completely crystallized, it is transferred to another factory for packaging. With this action, it is sent to sales centers for sale, where you can easily buy this product.

pink rock salt

Purchase pink rock salt

Another product obtained from the mine is pink rock salt, which has a good quality and price to buy. The purchase of rock salt increases every year and in 1400, significant progress has been made.

According to the export market of pink salt rock, Halito rock salt Group can supply 800 tons of this product per month in prepared bags.

pink rock salt

To buy this product, you can visit the site and receive it on the spot with a simple order, giving the final price. In this way, it is economical for you both in price and shipping cost.

By choosing this method to buy, there is no middleman to increase the price, and with peace of mind, you will buy products with quality and reasonable prices, so we suggest this method to you. Salt rock can help your body’s health.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Loading rock salt in bulk from Iran Semnan mine, Where to buy Rock salt in Iran, Halito rock salt Group biggest company in Iran, halito mine salt, factory salt, pink salt, rock salt for cooking.

Loading bulk salt ore from Semnan mine, livestock salt rock, edible rock salt, red and pink rock salt, bulk salt rock export to Iraq, for information on the price of different types of rock salt.

Purchase rock salt in bulk

Do you want to get the best bulk salt rock directly from the best mines in Iran? You have noticed that those who go mountaineering, if they see a river in their path, they are eager to reach the source. When we ask them why they are looking for a source, drink this water from there, we hear good answers. They say that the spring water is genuine, untouched and completely direct.

In the meantime, he has not crossed thorns, debris, livestock and various people. Source water is always valuable. Now the story is the same about bulk salt rock. If you want to get original, untouched, first-hand, high-quality, unmediated and cheap products. We will be the best option for you.

rock salt in bulk

Manufacturer of animal feed salt

Buying salt for livestock, poultry and fish is one of the main concerns of business owners. On the other hand, these animals and livestock are the main assets of their jobs and they cannot be fed low quality products. On the other hand, with the increase of brokers and intermediaries, the price of these salts reaches the consumer so high that their income and expenses do not match. Where is the solution to this problem? The key to solving this problem is in our pocket and in front of you. We put your hand in the hands of the best producer of animal feed salt and bulk salt rock. But what is the use of this?

When you find the best original manufacturer, first of all you will be sure that the products you receive are of high quality, excellent purity and originality, so you can use them easily and confidently. On the other hand, by connecting to the main producer, the hands of brokers and intermediaries will be short, and you and you will receive animal feed salt at the original and cheaper price. An arrow and a few badges.

rock salt in bulk

Bulk refined salt

It may be difficult to find the best bulk refined salt in this inflamed market. Refined salt is bulk salt that is first extracted directly from rich salt mines and then refined and modified in the same plant. Additions are made and the required materials are added to it.

rock salt in bulk

The purification process is completely standard and with the seal of approval of the national standard and is completely reliable. This salt, like bulk salt rock, is available to you in bulk and at an exceptional price.

Source: Halito rock salt Group

Raw rock salt white and pink, Rock Salt price, Iran rock salt exporter, Iran rock salt supplier, Sendha Namak price.

Buy raw white and red mineral salt rock, buy ground salt rock, buy original salt rock, send free rock salt all over Tehran and Karaj with free shipping.

If you are looking for a reliable and reputable center to buy raw salt rock, this note can be the end of your search. As one of the committed and capable activists in this field, we are ready to provide the products needed by different industrial units in competitive conditions and while maintaining the quality at the highest possible levels, and to facilitate the experience of buying raw salt rock for our esteemed customers. . To start a fruitful business relationship, all you have to do is contact us through designated communication channels.

Raw rock salt

Salt rock store in Tehran

Buying raw rock salt is usually more difficult in provincial capitals and densely populated cities because cities like Tehran are basically a long way from salt extraction and refining sources, which makes salt preparation a little more difficult. At the same time, many stores may inform customers of unrealistic prices for profit and deprive them of a good experience in buying raw rock salt.

But we, as a rock salt store in Tehran, are ready to offer your desired products in Tehran without the slightest price difference and in the form of direct supply. You will experience the same price and quality that is evident in the mines and resources outside the city, in the heart of Tehran.

Raw rock salt

Manufacturer of decorative rock salt

Production of decorative rock salt is one of the set of industrial and production processes that are followed in this set. If you are planning to buy rock salt for decorative and artistic purposes, the product portfolio of this collection will undoubtedly surprise you. By producing the best possible products, we make it easier for you to buy decorative rock salt and directly help you to increase the quality of the products.

If you value the quality of your work, working with this collection will get you to your goal. In addition to beauty and high quality, durability and exemplary strength, you will experience the most competitive prices.

Raw rock salt

Buy Raw rock salt

If you want to buy rock salt for other purposes besides decorative purposes, our raw products can be an attractive option for you.

The crude mineral rock salt offered in this collection is provided to customers in an intact but high quality form. After buying raw rock salt, with any purpose, do not doubt that you will receive the best product.

Halito salt rock collection is also the largest exporter of red salt rock, which we offer to buyers in 50 kg bags and jumbo bags as factory doors or delivery in the destination country.

Source: Halito rock salt company

Purchase rock salt in bulk from Iran, Pink rock salt, orange rock salt, blue rock saltred rock saltwhite rock salt.

Sale of rock salt in Tehran

To buy rock salt, you can go to salt rock sales centers in Tehran. Due to its special geological location, especially important geological events in the Precambrian period, Iran has valuable mines such as rock salt mines. The most valuable rock salt mines are located in Semnan province.

Garmsar and Semnan salt mines are of special importance from different aspects. Garmsar plain and its mines are located 110 km southeast of Tehran; For this reason, many of the salts extracted from these mines enter Tehran. It is possible to study the rock salts extracted from these mines by xrd analysis method in Tehran. On the other hand, Tehran, because it is a more important industrial hub and the possibility of processing salt rocks there is more; Most of the rock salt extracted from Garmsar mine is processed in Tehran and most of the rock salt sales centers are established in Tehran.

It is possible to export Garmsar rock salt to European and Asian countries such as Hungary, Turkey, UAE, Italy, etc.

rock salt in bulk

Manufacturer of decorative rock salt

The producer of decorative rock salt can order salt rock factories or salt rock sales centers in Tehran and Garmsar to supply the salt stones he needs.

Ordering in large sales centers and rock salt factories can be economical for the producer. You do not need to visit this center to order in person; You can register your order collection through the website.

rock salt in bulk

Purchase Rock salt in bulk

Saltstone processing workshops and sales centers, production and purchase of rock salt can buy Garmsar salt rock in bulk from large sales centers. Garmsar salt rock has special properties that are produced in different types due to special properties. For example, extracted rock salts are sold to decorative rock salt producers after washing in factories; Due to the ionization property of these stones, some manufacturers produce rock salt in the form of lampshades and lampshades; The impact of light on these rocks causes the production of negative ions and induces a feeling similar to walking by the sea.

The negative ions produced by this stone purify the environment of pollutants and negative energies and have a positive effect on the human respiratory system.

rock salt in bulk

Due to the many properties of this rock salt, including having many nutrients, some stones extracted from Garmsar mine are used to produce cooking boards. Garmsar bulk rock salt can be purchased for these producers.

Source: Halito rock salt Company

Iran pink rock salt and blue salt market, Irani namak. Irani salt, Iran rock salt supplier, Iran Rock Salt importers in India, Koohzarane pars bishapoor Co.

Market for selling crystal blue pink mineral salt stone, sending pink salt to all over the country, export blue salt stone, transparent crystal salt for special delivery to Tehran and the city, grill salt for cooking.

When God warns His Prophet about the passionate eyes of the jealous, we can see that our surroundings are also full of these negative waves and so-called frequent blinking. The sore eye is a religious and national belief among us Iranians, which has been proven to some extent even from the point of view of science.

The world around us is full of different energies and we must be able to get rid of negative energies. Mineral rock salt, like a powerful magic from the heart of nature, has the property of repelling negative energies. Salt is one of the oldest and most mysterious blessings of God on earth. Many meditation researchers believe that salt has detoxifying properties from its surroundings. For this reason, mineral salt stone is used for sore eyes and its properties are used to ward off negative pulses.

pink rock salt

How to store rock salt

Salt rock maintenance requires the collection of specific information. Unlike other rocks, rock salts are sensitive products that have perishable properties, so you should pay attention to various factors in their maintenance. for example:

  • Keep away from sunlight

Placing rock salt in the sun or in the presence of unnatural light, such as energy-saving light bulbs, can damage tissues and structures. It is best to place rock salt in closed polymer containers away from sunlight.

  • Keep away from moisture

High humidity causes clumps of mineral salt rock. If these products are original, they have a high moisture absorption power. It is better to place these products dry and away from the place of connection to water. If you plan to store this product in stock, be sure to use nylon packaging.

  • Keep away from walls and metal surfaces

If you use rock salt for decorative purposes, a distance of 30 cm from the wall and metal surfaces is required.

  • Avoid dust

Dust can damage the quality of salt rocks and also tarnish their color.

pink rock salt

Mineral salt rock supply center

Are you looking for a genuine and quality product when buying rock salt? We introduce the best mineral salt supply center to you.

pink rock salt

Our products are offered directly at the highest standard level and at the highest quality level. Experiment once to see the difference. You can order your desired product with any size, color and application and receive it in the shortest possible time.

Source: Halito rock salt Group